How to calculate pH value How to adjust the pH value of hydrochloride to 10?

How to calculate pH value How to adjust the pH value of hydrochloride to 10?

Can not adjust, hydrochloric acid is acid, the maximum pH is only 7, it is impossible to reach 10

PH value calculation
In 0.01 mol / L H2SO4 solution, C (OH -) ionized by water is ()
A 5 × 10 to - 13 mol / L B 0.01 mol / L
C 1 × 10 to - 7 mol / l d 1 × 10 to - 2 mol / L

First of all, you need to be clear. The ionization of H + and oh - by water is simultaneous. That is to say, the ionization of C (H +) = C (OH -)
Here H + and oh - are ionized water
Now we add sulfuric acid as a strong electrolyte. We know that at 25 ℃, the water's kW = C (H +) * C (OH -) = 10 ^ (- 14)
Now the concentration of hydrogen ion ionized by sulfuric acid is C (H +) = 0.01 * 2 = 0.02 mol / L
Therefore, the ionization of water is greatly inhibited. Because the ionization of water also produces H +. The kW in water can only be 10 ^ (- 14) nailed
So C (OH -) ionized by water = kW / [C (H1 +) + C (H2 +)] (where H1 + is hydrogen ion ionized by water and H2 + is hydrogen ion ionized by sulfuric acid. However, there are too few hydrogen ions ionized by water, so it can be ignored in calculation
So C (OH -) = kW / [C (H2 +)] = 5 × 10-13 mol / L
Choose a

Calculation method of pH value

PH is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ion in the solution - LG C (H +). The concentration of acid can be calculated directly in a strong acid solution. If the alkali is used, the kW ion product constant should be used. That is, the product of hydrogen ion multiplied by the concentration of hydroxyl ion is 10-14 power

How to express the natural logarithm when calculating in MATLAB

Log (x)% natural logarithm
Log2 (x)% is based on 2
Log10 (x)% is based on 10

Constant defined by MATLAB
How to define a constant?
>> syms x
>> taylor((1+x).^m,4)
Undefined function or variable 'm'.

syms x m

How to express the calculation of e with MATLAB
(1) Given that the sequence Sn = (1 + 1 / N) ^ n is convergent, draw the point (n, Sn), n = 1,2 Take the sufficiently large N and observe the convergence rate
(2) Given e ^ x = 1 + X + x ^ 2 / 2! +... + x ^ n / N! +..., then E = 1 + 1 + 1 / 2! +... + 1 / N! +..., denote Sn = 1 + 1 + 1 / 2! +... + 1 / n! And draw the point (n, Sn), n = 1,2 Take the sufficiently large N and observe the convergence rate
(3) Draw the above three calculation results on the same graph
Matlab program

E ^ x is exp (x)
The index ^ can be entered directly;
Factorial (n)
When drawing, enter figure; hold on, and then plot (*, *) three times. The three results are on the same graph

How to define constants in MATLAB? For example, when seeking the derivative of sin (w * t), W is a constant and t is a variable. How to define w

>> syms w t
>> f=sin(w*t)
f =
>> f1=diff(f,'t')
f1 =
When deriving, just point out who to do the derivation, and the rest will be treated as constants automatically

A cylindrical tank with a bottom radius of 5 meters and a depth of 2 meters covers an area of (& nbsp;) cubic decimeters
A 12 cm high conical measuring cup is filled with water. If the water is poured into a cylindrical measuring cup with the same bottom as it, the water surface is (& nbsp;) cm high
A cylindrical uncovered iron bucket, with a bottom radius of 2 decimeters and a height of 3 decimeters, needs at least 40 cubic decimeters of iron sheet to make such a bucket. Can the bucket be filled with 40 cubic decimeters of water
The volume of a cone is 18 cubic decimeters smaller than that of a cylinder. The volume of this cone is (& nbsp;) cubic decimeters
2、 Judgment
1. The volume of a cone is equal to 1 / 3 of the volume of a cylinder
2. Unfold the side of a cylinder to get a rectangle
3. From front to back, a cone is a fan, from top to bottom, it is a circle
4. A cylindrical plasticine can be made into three conical ones at most
If the side area of the cylinder is 24 cm and the circumference of the bottom surface is 6 cm, the height of the cylinder is () 6 cm; ② 4 cm; ③ 5 cm
The area and height of the bottom of a rectangle and a cone are equal respectively. The volume of a rectangle is 2 times, 3 times and 1 / 3 of that of a cone
Twelve identical iron cones can be melted and cast into () cylinders with the same base and height as them. ① 12; ② 36; ③ 4
4、 It's just a formula, not a calculation
The bottom area of a cone is 21cm, and its height is 5cm
The bottom radius of a cylinder is 3 decimeters. Find its surface area

A cylindrical pool with a bottom radius of 5 meters and a depth of 2 meters covers an area of (78.5) cubic decimeters
A 12 cm high conical measuring cup is filled with water. If the water is poured into a cylindrical measuring cup with the same bottom as it, the water surface is (4) cm high
A cylindrical uncovered iron bucket with a bottom radius of 2 decimeters and a height of 3 decimeters needs at least (50.24) square decimeters of iron to make such a bucket. Can the bucket be filled with 40 cubic decimeters of water? (no)
The volume of a cone is 18 cubic decimeters smaller than that of a cylinder, and the volume of this cone is (9) cubic decimeters
2、 Judgment
1. The volume of a cone is equal to 1 / 3 of the volume of a cylinder
2. Unfold the side of a cylinder to get a rectangle
3. From front to back, a cone is a fan, from top to bottom, it is a circle
4. A cylindrical clay can be made into three conical ones at most
3、 Multiple choice questions
If the side area of the cylinder is 24 cm and the circumference of the bottom surface is 6 cm, the height of the cylinder is (2) 6 cm, (2) 4 cm and (3) 5 cm
The area and height of the bottom of a rectangle and a cone are respectively equal, and the volume of the rectangle is (2) 2 times, 2 3 times and 3 1 / 3 of that of the cone
Twelve identical iron cones can be melted and cast into (3) columns with the same base and height as them. ① 12; ② 36; ③ 4
4、 It's just a formula, not a calculation
The bottom area of a cone is 21cm, and its height is 5cm
21 × 5 × 1 / 3 = 35 cm3
The bottom radius of a cylinder is 3 decimeters and its height is 10 decimeters

1. In the triangle ABC, the value of BC: AC: AB is ()
2. If the perimeter of an isosceles right triangle is 2 + radical 2, its area is ()

1. From the related trigonometric function (the trigonometric function of a right triangle is very simple, not to say much), we know that AC = √ 3x, ab = 2x, so: BC: AC: ab = 1: √ 3:22, if the waist length of an isosceles right triangle is y, then the oblique side length

(1)1+(-2)+(-3)+4+5+(-6)+(-7)+8+…… +97+(-98)+(-99)+100
(2) 1 / 8 + 1 / 24 + 1 / 48 + 1 / 80 + 1 / 120
(3) | 1-1 | + | 1-2 | + | 1-3 | + | +|1 / 10-1 / 9|
(4) | 1-1 | + | 1-2 | + | 1-3 | + | +|1 / n-1 / n minus 1 / n|

1) Combining the head and tail, we can get 50 groups of 101, so the result is 0
2) The original formula is equal to 480 (60 + 20 + 10 + 6 + 4), and the simplified formula is 5 / 24
3) The original formula is equivalent to 1-1 / 2 + 1 / 2-1 / 3 + 1 / 3-1 / 4 + +1/9-1/10=9/10
4) The original formula is equivalent to 1-1 / 2 + 1 / 2-1 / 3 + 1 / 3-1 / 4 + +N-1 / 1-N / 1 = n-1 / n