Is there any difference between vector and vector? I only studied vector in high school

Is there any difference between vector and vector? I only studied vector in high school

They are almost the same, but vector is a physical name, vector is a mathematical name, there is no essential difference

Is vector vector? What's the difference between them

Exactly the same, no difference

What is the difference between vector and vector?

Vector and vector are a method or concept of vector (vector) analysis in mathematics. They are the same concept, but they are called differently. The simple definition refers to the quantity with both size and direction
Vector is our (mainland) view. The view of vector is generally used in the literature of Hong Kong and Taiwan. The meaning is roughly the same as that of Bush and bush. Vector control is mainly a concept of motor model decoupling
In the electrical field, it is mainly used to analyze the AC power, such as motor analysis, etc. the application in frequency converter is based on the theory of motor analysis, which is called vector control frequency converter. The realization method is not unique, but the mathematical model is basically consistent

What grade is vector?

Senior high school mathematics compulsory Volume 4, mathematics is called vector, physical cross vector