Vector addition and subtraction How to draw... I always can't figure out the direction of the arrow

Vector addition and subtraction How to draw... I always can't figure out the direction of the arrow

You can just convert subtraction to addition
Addition follows the rule of triangle, so you only need to remember the direction of arrow when adding
When adding two vectors, first translate one vector (vector 1) so that its starting point coincides with the end point of the other vector (vector 2). The direction of the arrow after adding the two vectors is: the starting point of vector 2 points to the end point of vector 1
In fact, if you practice more, you will understand. You can't mix up the time. This is actually easier to remember,

Vector subtraction is how to draw a picture

What's the difference between vector and vector?

Vector: quantity with both size and direction. Generally speaking, it is called vector in physics and vector in mathematics