() × () = () () = () × () () () fill in 1 ~ 9 numbers, which cannot be repeated

() × () = () () = () × () () () fill in 1 ~ 9 numbers, which cannot be repeated


Please fill in the following () with 1 ~ 9 digits. It can't be repeated!
( )+( )=( )
( )-( )=( )
( )=( )-( )
Please fill it in. Thank you!

No answer
Proof: from 1 to 9 equals (1 + 9) * 9 / 2 = 45
If the above three equations hold, that is, left = right, and left + right = 45, then left = right = 45 / 2 is not an integer
So there is no answer

Please fill in the following () with 1 ~ 9 numbers, which can't be repeated!
( )+( )=( )
( )-( )=( )
( )=( )-( )

There is no solution. Because () + () = () + () = () + () = () + () = () there is no solution

It's 24:
I want to write a tree diagram


(3,3,8,8) (3,3,7,7) is 24 points,

8/(3-8/3) (3+3/7)*7

1、 4,6,7,9
4、5,10 ,10 ,11
5、2 ,6 ,9 ,9
6、2 ,7 ,10,10
7、1 ,3,4 ,6
8、1 ,4 ,5 ,6

6 ÷ 4 ×(7 + 9)=246 × (9 + 7) ÷ 4=24(10 × 10-4)÷ 4=24(13 × 13 - 1) ÷ 7=24(10 + 10 × 11) ÷ 5=24(2 + 6 ÷ 9) × 9=242 × (9 - 6 + 9)=242 × (7 + 10) - 10=24(10 - 7) × (10 - 2)=246 ÷ (1 - 3 ...

For math, count 24
Calculate 24 points; if power operation is allowed, can you list different formulas that meet the requirements?

5 ^ 2-4 + 3 (or 4 ^ 2 + 5 + 3)
11 + 10 + 5-2 (or 11 * 2 + 10 / 5)

Math 24
Use 11, 12, 3 and 14 to calculate 24 points 24 points

14-13+12+11= 1+12+11=24

3, - 5, - 10, - 13, 24

3 times - 13 equals - 39
Minus 10 from - 5 equals - 15
15 minus 39 equals 24

