A preliminary mathematical problem In solving the equations ax + by = C (1), ax by = - 3 (2), due to carelessness, Xiao Ming mistook - 3 in equation (2) as 3, and got the solution as x = 3, y = 6. Xiao Gang mistook the value of B in equation (1), and got the solution as x = 15, y = 18. It is known that neither of them made any other mistakes. Try to find the value of a, B, C

A preliminary mathematical problem In solving the equations ax + by = C (1), ax by = - 3 (2), due to carelessness, Xiao Ming mistook - 3 in equation (2) as 3, and got the solution as x = 3, y = 6. Xiao Gang mistook the value of B in equation (1), and got the solution as x = 15, y = 18. It is known that neither of them made any other mistakes. Try to find the value of a, B, C

Let Xiaogang mistake the value of B in equation (1) for D, then
3a+6b=c (1)
3a-6b=3 ( 2)
15a+18d=c (3)
15a-18b=-3 ( 4)
The values of a, B and C can be obtained by solving the quaternion linear equations

A math problem, ha, ha, thank you!
An express train and a local train run opposite each other. The length of the express train is 200 meters, and that of the local train is 250 meters. The time for the passengers sitting on the local train to see the window where the express train has expired is 6 seconds. What is the time for the passengers sitting on the express train to see the window where the local train has expired?

The relative speed is the same
Walk 200 meters in 6 seconds
250 meter walking time 6 * 250 / 200 = 7.5 seconds

Compare the numbers of the following groups,
0001 and - 10000 - 5 / 7 and - 3 / 7 - 5 / 9 and - 5 / 7 - 4 / 7 and - 5 / 9

0.0001 is greater than - 10000; positive number is greater than negative number. - 5 / 7 is less than - 3 / 7; 5 / 7 is greater than 3 / 7, plus negative sign on both sides, on the contrary. - 4 / 7 is less than - 5 / 9, - 4 / 7 = 36 / 63, greater than 5 / 9 = 35 / 63, plus negative sign