


How to do the last question on the 27th page of PHS!

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The area of polygon of PHS in the fifth grade
In the last five, you'd better try to answer question 5. The two heights of a parallelogram are 8dm and 6dm, and the bottom is 15dm. Find the length of the other side. Question 6. The bottom of a parallelogram is 240 meters, and the height is 125 meters. In this field, you can harvest 7380 kg of rape. How many kg of rape can you harvest per square meter?

The area of the parallelogram is 15 × 8 = 120 (square decimeter) and the length of the other side is 120 △ 6 = 20 (decimeter). The vegetable field of the parallelogram is 240 meters at the bottom and 125 meters at the height