The probability of men and women team winning the championship is 37 and 14 respectively. Then the probability of the city football team winning the championship is 40______ .

The probability of men and women team winning the championship is 37 and 14 respectively. Then the probability of the city football team winning the championship is 40______ .

According to the meaning of the title, as long as one of the men's and women's teams wins the championship, the city's football team will win the championship of the whole province. The probability of the men's team winning the championship is 37 × (1-14) = 928, the probability of the men's team winning the championship is (1-37) × 14 = 428, the probability of the two teams winning the championship is 37 × 14 = 328, and the probability of the city's football team winning the championship of the whole province is (1-37) × 14 = 428 928 + 428 + 328 = 47

Probability of mutually exclusive events
The shooting percentage of the two players is A60% and B70% respectively. They shoot at the same time and hit the basket. Because the basketballs collide with each other and do not score, AB is a mutually exclusive event. What is the probability of scoring a goal? P = P (a + b) = P (a) + P (b), right?
I think the P (a) + P (b) of emerald cape is wrong, because the probability of occurrence is greater than 1, 0.6 + 0.7 = 1. In fact, this is impossible. The solution of q310172153 is actually the solution of independent events, which is inconsistent with the solution in the book. I don't know who can give me an explanation? I support q310172153.

The concept formula of mutually exclusive events is as follows:
A is the opposite of A,
P (a) + P (b) is not necessarily equal to 1

Bernoulli experiment: in triple Bernoulli experiment, the probability of success in at least one experiment is 37 / 64

Suppose the probability of each success is Q
It can be seen from the meaning of the question that: P = 1 - (1-Q) ^ 3 / / the opposite event of at least one successful experiment is that it fails once and three times in a row
So, after finding Q,
That is to know the probability of success in each experiment,
If the probability of failure is 27 / 64 = 3 / 4, the probability of success is 1-3 / 4 = 1 / 4

Grade 5 Volume 1 100 oral arithmetic questions

In a cave in Yanbei mountain area of Shanxi Province, there is a rural primary school. The cave is not only a classroom, but also the dormitory for the only teacher and students in the primary school. At night, the teachers and students sleep on the ground. Every morning, the teacher finishes Chinese for the first grade, then mathematics for the second grade, and then third, fourth and fifth grade

On the formula of T '= γ (t-vx / C2) in Lorentz transformation
Isn't X in t '= γ (t-vx / C2) arbitrarily fixed? Then it can be infinitely long. Isn't the time t' and t the distance t going to be very large

Ha ha. Heroes think alike. I have considered this problem before. Of course, it's not what you said. The derivation of this formula is based on the fact that when the set origin o coincides in different coordinate systems, and the time is set as zero in both coordinate systems. We can't break away from this precondition. Or there will be more interesting phenomena

Grade 5 level of 100 oral arithmetic questions
Such as the title

0.75+4.25= 4.2×5= 4.7+2.3= 6-3.4=
0.75×100= 5.6÷100= 2.5×4= 10-9.25=
0.06×1.5= 0.3÷0.5= 0.7×0.8= 1+0.01=
0.1÷0.01= 2.1÷0.7= 1-0.34= 0.175+0.0225=
8×0.125= 5.6+3.8= 0.62-0.32= 0.02×0.5=
0.75÷0.25= 16.8÷4= 0.1÷100= 6.3÷0.9=
0.25×8= 0.04×2.5= 1×0.01= 0.1+0.01=
0.63÷0.9= 0.6+0.54= 8.9-0.9= 0.96÷2=
5.9-2.5= 4.5×2= 3.6÷3= 0.125×8=
0.53×1000= 72.8×0.01= 1÷125= 1.2÷0.2=
1÷0.01= 48÷0.6= 20÷0.2= 1×0.4=
9.63÷3= 7-0.23= 4.8÷0.3= 7.2-0.8=
1.4×0.5= 29÷100= 6.3÷0.7= 6+2.4=
12.5×8= 8.9×0= 0.78÷3= 0.35÷0.5=
9.36÷0.9= 100÷0.4= 0.81+0.09= 0.4×0.9=
2/5 +1/5 = 4/7 -2/7 = 5/8 +1/8 =
1/9 +2/9 = 1/6 +1/6 = 2/3 -1/3 =
9/10 +1/10 = 7/12 -5/12 = 25/5 -10/5 =
1-2/5 = 1/3 +2/3 = 4/7 -2/7 =
1/6 +5/6 = 9/10 -3/10 = 2/9 +4/9 =
1/8 +1/8 +3/8 = 1- 2/9 -4/9 = 12/11 -1/11 =
4/7 +4/7 = 1-8/9 = 1/2 +1/5 +1/2 =
76÷19= 1-0.001= 15/6÷2/6=
3.6×0.2= 360÷45= 80÷16=
1.3-0.7= 0.49+0.16= 2.6×0.4=
55÷0.001= 55×0.001= 2400÷30=
2/5 -1/5 = 3/4 +1/4 = 2/9 +5/9 =
1/2 +1/ = 5/8 -3/8 = 5/6 -1/6 =
1-5/6 = 1/4 -1/5 = 9/10 -4/10 =
0.79+0.79×99= 1÷5+1÷5= 0.89×101-0.89=
1.1-2.7÷27= 573-(273+169)= 12.4×11-12.4=
5÷0.25= 0.84÷0.4= 0.25×16=
2.5×40= 700-699.9= 620÷200=
78÷16= 9001-8006= 144÷12=

In the theory of relativity, there is a time delay formula. How can there be a different time transformation formula in Lorentz transformation?

The time transformation of T '= γ (t-vx / C ^ 2) in Lorentz transformation is universal
The formula of time delay is only a corollary of it, and X is in the same position
If △ x = 0 is taken into the above equation, the same result will be obtained

100 oral math problems in the second semester of the fourth grade

25x32x125=20000 39x101=3939 1.37+1+7.63=10 5.6+2.7+4.4=12.7
9.14-1.43-4.57=3.14 77+2.7+2.3+25=107 1.88+2.3+3.7=7.88
51.27-8.66-1.34=41.27 5.17-1.8-.-3.2=0.17 4.02-3.5+0.98=2.5 13.7+0.98+0.02+4.3=19 0.34+0.45=0.79 0.57+0.9=1.47 8-4.6=3.4 0.6-0.37=0.23 4.9+9.8=14.7 39.5+98.8=138.3

How to deduce ampere force formula from Lorentz force formula

Generally, Lorentz force formula is derived from ampere force
Let there be a section of wire with length L, cross-sectional area s, the number of free charges per unit volume n, the charge quantity of each charge Q, and the velocity v
Then, the current in the conductor: I = q / T = NSQ / T
t=l / v
So: I = nqvs
According to the definition of magnetic field intensity: B = f / IL,
Know the ampere force on the conductor: F = bil
If I = nqvs is brought in, the ampere force F = (nqvs) BL
The ampere force can be regarded as the resultant of Lorentz forces acting on each moving charge. The number of moving charges in this section of wire is NLS
Therefore, Lorentz force F = ampere force / charge number = (nqvs) BL / NLS = QVB

I want to know 500 oral arithmetic questions

Oral calculation of grade 4 in 500 courses 138-89 = 5400 △ 54 = 200 × 34 = 550-450 = 18000 △ 600 = 2700 △ 30 = 45 × 14 = 180000 + 240000 = 89 △ 100 = 0.82 + 0.08 = 73 × 1=