Is centripetal acceleration equal to angular velocity times linear velocity

Is centripetal acceleration equal to angular velocity times linear velocity

According to a = V ^ 2 / R, a = w ^ 2R and V = WR
It can be solved
If you don't know how to ask, I hope to adopt it

Angular velocity is the ratio of angle to time. Why is the unit radians per second instead of angle per second? What is angle? What is radian?

Angle Ji ǎ OD ù 1. The measurement of the amount that must be rotated when any one of the two intersecting lines overlaps the other. The rotation is on the plane of the two lines and around the intersection point. The value of 1 radian is the angle corresponding to the length of the arc on any circle equal to its radius. The circumference of the circle = 2pir, so a circle

Is there a formula for the relationship between angular velocity and radian?

Radian = angular velocity times time

A particle makes a simple harmonic motion in the horizontal direction. As shown in the figure, it is the vibration image of the particle in 0-4s
A particle moves harmonically in the horizontal direction. The vibration image of the particle in 0-4s is ()
A. After another second, the displacement of the particle is the maximum positive value
B. After another two seconds, the instantaneous velocity of the particle is zero
C. After another 3S, the acceleration direction of the particle is vertical upward
D. After another 4S, the acceleration of the particle is the maximum
(the image is sinusoidal, and its intersection with X axis is 2S and 4S.)

AC right
From the picture, the period of vibration is 4 seconds
It starts to vibrate at 0, reaches the positive maximum displacement at 1 second, returns to the equilibrium position at 2 seconds, reaches the negative maximum displacement at 3 seconds, and returns to the equilibrium position at 4 seconds
As you can see, option AC is right

Try to prove that the vibration of vertical spring oscillator is simple harmonic motion

Equilibrium position f = kx1 = g
Let the displacement of the weight deviate from the balance position be x and the elongation be x 2
Take the vertical downward as positive, then the spring oscillator's restoring force
Fcycle = g-kx2 = kx1-kx2 = K (x1-x2) = - kx

How to calculate the displacement of a 3-4 harmonic spring oscillator in a period of time?
I know the balance position at a certain time, but in a certain period of time? Our teacher is different from other teachers. Please. Give an accurate answer

The initial position of the time period points to the end position of the time period, which has nothing to do with the equilibrium position

A spring oscillator moves harmonically with an amplitude of 5 cm and a period of 2 seconds, starting from the equilibrium position and moving to the right;
We're looking for the vibration image,

Starting from the equilibrium position, it moves to the right, and the initial phase is - π / 2
X (T) = 5cm * cos (t * 2 π / 2S - π / 2) = 5cos (π T - π / 2) = 5sin (π T)

A spring oscillator moves harmoniously along the x-axis with an amplitude of 0.24 m and a period of 4.0 S. at the beginning, it moves forward to the x-axis at 0.12 m in the positive direction of the equilibrium position, and the shortest time required to return to the equilibrium position is calculated,

Equation of motion & nbsp; X = 0.24sin (WT + a)
w=2 p/T= 2 p/4= p/2              
When t = 0, x = 0.12
Bring in the equation of motion
Sina = 1 / 2 & nbsp; initial phase a = P / 6, & nbsp; 5p / 6 & nbsp; & nbsp;
The shortest time it takes to return to the equilibrium position,
Take the initial phase a = P / 6
As shown in the figure, the shortest time t = 1 / 3S

When t = 0, the vibrator moves from point P between O and B with velocity V to point B. when t = 0.20s, the velocity of the vibrator changes to - V for the first time. When t = 0.50s, the velocity of the vibrator changes to - V for the second time

(1) According to the known conditions, the period T = (0.22 + 0.5 − 0.22) × 4 = 1.0s, (2) if the distance between B and C is 25cm, then a = 12.5cm, so x = 4A · 41 = 200cm A: (1) the vibration period T of the spring oscillator is 1s; (2) the distance of the vibrator in 4.00s is 200cm

A spring vibrator a moves harmonically along a smooth horizontal plane. Under the condition of the same amplitude, the first time when the vibrator a passes through the equilibrium position, a piece of rubber paste B is lightly adhered to a and vibrates together. The second time when the vibrator A is just at the maximum displacement, the same piece of rubber paste is lightly adhered to A. in the process of vibration, the same physical quantity is obtained
A. Amplitude;
B. Cycle;
C. Maximum speed value;
D. Maximum acceleration value
For detailed explanation, each option should have an explanation,

How difficult As a former science student, I've forgotten all about it What is a spring oscillator What can I eat Get one
I'm B. Mm-hmm