The rotor speed of three-phase asynchronous motor is 1410r / min, and the power frequency is 50Hz. Try to find the slip at this time. The rotor speed of three-phase asynchronous motor is 1410r / m

The rotor speed of three-phase asynchronous motor is 1410r / min, and the power frequency is 50Hz. Try to find the slip at this time. The rotor speed of three-phase asynchronous motor is 1410r / m

Slip s = (1500-1410) / 1500 = 6%

What is the physical meaning of 1200 R / min?
There is a question like this (Taizhou, Jiangsu, 2008)
A single cylinder four stroke hydro pneumatic engine, the aircraft speed is 1200R / min, how many strokes does the hydro pneumatic engine complete per second? How many times does it do work?

The speed of the plane is 1200 rpm
If one revolution is two strokes, it will be 2400 strokes per minute and 40 strokes per second
Work is done once in four strokes, so work is done 10 times per second

If the radius of a flywheel is 2M and the rotational speed is 120r / min, then its frequency is, the period is, on the linear velocity of the edge points

Speed = 120r / min = 2R / S
Angular velocity = rotational speed × 2 π / r = 4 π / S
Linear velocity = rotational speed × perimeter = 2R / s × 2 π r = 2 × 2 × π × 2m = 8 π (M / s)
Frequency = speed = 2R / S
Period = 1 / frequency = 0.5s/r