A horizontal turntable with a mass of 200g and a radius of 15cm rotates at an angular velocity of 5rad / s. a worm with a mass of 20g falls on the center of the turntable and crawls outward along the radial direction of the vector?

A horizontal turntable with a mass of 200g and a radius of 15cm rotates at an angular velocity of 5rad / s. a worm with a mass of 20g falls on the center of the turntable and crawls outward along the radial direction of the vector?

J1=MR^2/2=0.2*0.15^/2=2.25e-3 kg m^2
J2=J1+mR^2=2.7e-3 kg m^2

A horizontal disk is rotating at a constant speed, and there is a small hole on the disk at the distance from the rotation axis R. at a certain time, a small ball suddenly falls freely at the position H = 10m above the hole. If the small ball can pass through the hole, what is the angular velocity of the disk?

H = 1 / 2GT ^ 2, so t = root 2 seconds
So the period is √ 2 / N seconds
So the angular velocity is √ 2n π (n = 1,2,3...)

Where ω is equal to 2 π / T and △ θ / T, but △ θ / t should not be equal to 2 π / T?
Which formula is used to calculate ω? What are their units?

ω is equal to 2 π / T, which is used for motion with uniform angular velocity, and the period T turns to 2 π
ω is equal to △ θ / T, which can be used for any motion. The correct one should be △ θ / △ T, that is, the change of θ in △ t