On the earth, object a near the equator and object B near Beijing make circular motion at a constant speed with the rotation of the earth A. The centripetal forces of object a and object B point to the earth's center B. the linear velocity of object a is less than that of object B. C. the angular velocity of object a is less than that of object B. D. the centripetal acceleration of object a is greater than that of object B

On the earth, object a near the equator and object B near Beijing make circular motion at a constant speed with the rotation of the earth A. The centripetal forces of object a and object B point to the earth's center B. the linear velocity of object a is less than that of object B. C. the angular velocity of object a is less than that of object B. D. the centripetal acceleration of object a is greater than that of object B

A. A and B both move around the earth axis in a uniform circular motion, and the center of B is the intersection O1 of the vertical line of the earth axis passing through point B, so the centripetal force direction required by object B points to O1 instead of the earth center, so a is wrong; B. the formula of the relationship between angular velocity and linear velocity v = ω R, a has a larger radius of rotation, so a has a larger linear velocity, so B is wrong; C. the rotation angles of a and B at the same time are equal, so B is wrong D. from a = ω 2R, it can be seen that B has a smaller radius of rotation and the same angular velocity, and B has a smaller centripetal acceleration, that is, the centripetal acceleration of a is greater than that of B, so D is correct

Does the rotation of the earth belong to circular motion

Belongs to circular motion, and is uniform circular motion

Object 1 at the equator and object 2 at 60 degrees north latitude, due to the rotation of the earth
1) Ratio of angular velocity
2) Ratio of linear velocity
3) Ratio of centripetal acceleration

R North = R red * con 60 ° = 0.5r red
1) Ratio of angular velocity
2) Ratio of linear velocity
Because V = Omega R
3) Ratio of centripetal acceleration
Because a = ω ^ 2R

The formula of rotation line velocity on the equator

First, the circumference of the equator is 2 * 3.14 * 6378
Then divide by 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds
It's about 465 meters per second

What is the linear velocity of the earth's rotation at the equator?

The conclusion of the linear velocity of the earth's rotation is: the linear velocity at the equator is the fastest, and decreases to the two poles, and the pole is zero
This conclusion is obtained without considering the terrain fluctuation. Because of the actual existence of terrain fluctuation, a point on the earth is calculated

Near the equator, the linear velocity of the earth's rotation is relatively high

The earth can be approximated as a rigid body, rotating around the axis of rotation, and the angular velocity W of each part is the same,
The linear velocity V is equal to w times the distance r from the axis. At the equator, R is the longest, so the linear velocity is the largest

1. What is the rotation speed of the earth at the equator? About degrees to the north and South latitudes? The linear speed is about half that of the equator

The rotation speed of each particle on the earth's surface around the earth's axis is called the earth's rotation speed. The distance of each particle around the earth's axis in unit time is called the linear speed. The linear speed is related to the radius of rotation. The longer the radius is, the greater the linear speed is. Therefore, the linear speed of the equator is the maximum, and the linear speed of the pole is zero

Can acceleration describe the change of angular velocity in circular motion?
Can you tell me why?

A more accurate quantity is "angular acceleration B", which can only describe the speed of angular velocity change to a certain extent. Of course, this statement is true in pure circular motion, because the radius is constant at that time. However, if the circular motion is also mixed with precession like centrifugal motion, it must have angular acceleration to explain the problem

The relationship between the angular velocity and the angular position of a particle in circular motion is w = - K θ

Because there is no initial condition in the problem, the constant C & nbsp; is not added to the indefinite integral. According to the initial condition, C can be obtained

In circular motion, is the same radius period the same remainder

Not necessarily, a = V * V / r = w * w * r, obviously one is the same, others are not necessarily the same