As shown in the figure, a disk rotates uniformly in the horizontal plane, and the angular velocity is 4rad / s. there is a small object with a mass of 0.10kg on the disk 0.1M away from the center of the disk, which can move with the disk, as shown in the figure. Then the centripetal force of the object in uniform circular motion is as follows______ N. As for the centripetal force of an object, Party A and Party B have different opinions: Party A thinks that the centripetal force is equal to the static friction of the disk against the object, pointing to the center of the circle; Party B thinks that the object has a tendency to move forward, and the direction of static friction is opposite to that of relative motion, that is, backward, rather than perpendicular to the direction of motion, so the centripetal force cannot be static friction. Do you agree______ I'll give you my opinion

As shown in the figure, a disk rotates uniformly in the horizontal plane, and the angular velocity is 4rad / s. there is a small object with a mass of 0.10kg on the disk 0.1M away from the center of the disk, which can move with the disk, as shown in the figure. Then the centripetal force of the object in uniform circular motion is as follows______ N. As for the centripetal force of an object, Party A and Party B have different opinions: Party A thinks that the centripetal force is equal to the static friction of the disk against the object, pointing to the center of the circle; Party B thinks that the object has a tendency to move forward, and the direction of static friction is opposite to that of relative motion, that is, backward, rather than perpendicular to the direction of motion, so the centripetal force cannot be static friction. Do you agree______ I'll give you my opinion

The size of centripetal force of circular motion of an object is: FN = Mr ω 2 = 0.1 × 0.1 × 16N = 0.16n. The centripetal force of circular motion of an object is provided by static friction, because the direction of centripetal force points to the center of the circle, then the direction of static friction points to the center of the circle. Agree with the opinion of A. so the answer is: 0.16, a

What is the direction of angular velocity?
It's the angular velocity used in circular motion. It's a vector. What's its direction? What's its function?

The direction of angular velocity is determined by the right-hand spiral rule
Four finger clenching points to the direction of rotation. Thumb extension points to the direction of angular velocity
The reason for using the right hand is because the right hand coordinate system is always used mathematically
In middle school, we can not consider the direction of angular velocity, because the mathematical foundation is not enough. We can deal with it as a scalar first. In middle school, we don't do the problem of the combination of angular velocity in two different directions

For a rigid body rotating around a fixed axis, when the external moment is M1, the angular acceleration is A1. When the external moment is m2, what is the angular acceleration A2

From W & # 178; R & # 178; m = fr; (W angular velocity R radius m mass)
The results are: R & # 178; m = f / W & # 178;
Because R is invariant and M is invariant;
Just add a root on both sides. Sorry, I can't do it

If a rigid body in plane motion has an instantaneous angular velocity and angular acceleration of 0, is the rigid body doing translation?

Yes, the rigid body at this time only needs to consider its linear acceleration, which is true, so it is right

Is it the greater the moment, the greater the rotational acceleration? Is it the angular acceleration or the first acceleration? Is there a formula for this acceleration, just like Niuer

The force determines the linear acceleration and the moment determines the angular acceleration

Is angular velocity and angular acceleration all zero when the rigid body moves instantaneously

If we do the curve translation, the angular velocity and angular acceleration are all 0
If the instantaneous translation is done, the angular velocity is 0 and the angular acceleration is not zero, the value can be obtained from the kinematic relationship

Why does the direction of angular velocity remain unchanged?
The linear velocity of an object moving uniformly in a circle changes at every moment because the tangent direction changes at every moment. So why does the direction of angular velocity remain unchanged? How can its direction be judged? Is the angle of circular motion, such as the end line of the angle, not rotating in the same direction as the line?

What is the direction of angular velocity?
Angular velocity is the arc of rotation per unit time,
The direction of rotation in the same plane is only clockwise and counterclockwise
So angular velocity can only be divided into clockwise and counterclockwise
For the same circular motion, the angular velocity can not appear in two directions

A machine with a wheel fixed on a rotatable shaft, such as a screwdriver or a steering wheel, is called (). It is also a simple ()

Such as a screw driver, steering wheel and so on, a wheel is fixed on a rotatable shaft, which is called an axle. The axle is also a simple lever

Such as a screw driver, steering wheel and so on, a wheel fixed on a rotating shaft is called ()


A machine with wheels and shafts fixed together and able to rotate is called ()

Wheel and shaft fixed together, can rotate the machinery, called (axle). With lever, pulley, etc. are simple machinery