When a particle moves in a circle and its normal acceleration a and tangential acceleration B are equal, the relationship between its angular acceleration a and angular velocity W is () A.w=a^2 B.w=2a^2 C.a=w^2 D.a=2w^2

When a particle moves in a circle and its normal acceleration a and tangential acceleration B are equal, the relationship between its angular acceleration a and angular velocity W is () A.w=a^2 B.w=2a^2 C.a=w^2 D.a=2w^2

Normal acceleration a = w ^ 2 · r tangential acceleration B = a · R
Because a = B, w ^ 2 · r = a · R, that is, a = w ^ 2
Will high school be exposed to the concept of angular acceleration now?

Physics - deducing the relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity of circular motion

v = w · r ;
w = Δθ / Δt ; ①
Δθ = Δs / r ; ②
v = Δs / Δt ; ③
Δ s = arc length traversed
Theta is the radian

An object moving in a circle with a radius of 20 m moves 100 m in 10 s at a uniform speed. When the object moves in a circle with a uniform speed: (1) the magnitude of the linear velocity; (2) the magnitude of the angular velocity; (3) the magnitude of the period

(1) V = △ L △ t = 10010m / S = 10m / s, so the linear velocity of the object is 10m / S. & nbsp; (2) from v = R ω, we get that ω = VR = 1020rad / S = 0.5rad/s, so the angular velocity of the object is 0.5rad/s. & nbsp; (3) t = 2 π ω = 2 π 0.5s = 4 π s, so the period of the object is 4 π s

The object moving in a circle with a radius of 20 m moves 100 m in 10 s
An object moving in a circle with a radius of 20 m moves 100 m in 10 s at a uniform speed. This paper tries to find out the size of the object moving in a circle with a uniform speed: (1) the size of the linear velocity; (2) the size of the angular velocity

W = V / r = 10 / 20 = 0.5 m / s Square

The linear velocity of an object moving in a circle of 20 m in 10 s is m / s, rad / s
Is velocity independent of displacement

Linear velocity = 100 / 10 = 10m / S
Angular velocity = linear velocity / radius = 10 / 20 = 0.5rad/s
Period = perimeter / linear velocity = 20 * π * 2 / 10 = 4 π s

If Wuti moves 100 m along a circle with a radius of 20 m in 10 s, the linear velocity is? Period is? Period?

Linear velocity v = 100 / 10 = 10m / S
Because V = WR
So the angular velocity W = 10 / 20 = 1 / 2rad / s

1. A particle moves in a uniform circular motion with a period of 10s,
2. The number of revolutions per minute of turntable of record player is 16, 33, 45 and 78. Calculate the period and angular velocity of each gear

1. One cycle is 2 π, that is 360 ° t = 10s, and the angular velocity is calculated by yourself
2. One minute n turns, divided by 60 is one second 360 degrees, and it's the same as above
3. Linear velocity is related to radius

The relationship between the law of circular gear rotation, linear speed, period, number of teeth and radius

Let the radii of the two gears be R1 and R2 respectively, and the linear velocity: because when the two gears rotate, the linear velocity of the edge of the two wheels is equal, that is, V1 = v2. Taking this as the starting point, the angular velocity: from v = ω r to know ω 1 / ω 2 = R2 / R1; the period: from v = 2 π R / T to know T1 / T2 = R1 / r2; for the number of teeth N1, N2: N1 / N2 = 2 π R1 / 2 π R2, you should

It is known that the radius of the earth is 6400km. Then: what is the angular velocity of an object on the earth's equator rotating with the earth? What is the linear velocity?

The object on the equator rotates with the earth and makes a uniform circular motion. Its period is equal to the rotation period of the earth. T = 24h, so ω = 2 π t = 2 × 3.1424 × 3600rad / s ≈ 7.27 × 10 − 5rad / SV = 2 π RT = 2 × 3.14 × 6400 × 10324 × 3600m / s ≈ 465.2m/s. A: the angular velocity of the object on the equator rotates with the earth is 7.27 × 10-5rad / s.The linear velocity is 465.2m/s

The radius of the earth is 6400 km. What is the angular velocity and linear velocity of the object on the ground at 60 degrees latitude?

Angular velocity: = 360 degrees / 24 hours: = 15 degrees / hours: = 0.25 degrees / minutes: = 0.00416 degrees / seconds, radius of latitude 60 degrees: = 6400 km * cos60: = 3200 km, linear velocity = 2 LLIR / 24 hours, = 2 LLI * 3200 km / 24 hours * = 20106.176 km / 24 hours: = 837.7573 km / hours: = 13.9