Ask calculus questions, will explain to me, find indefinite integral xcosx DX I know that this topic needs to use the partial integration method, let u = x, DV = cosxdx, Du = DX, v = SiNx, the problem lies in Du = DX, here, why Du = DX, not equal to the square of 1 / 2 x, this place is a bit mixed, who can give me a detailed explanation,

Ask calculus questions, will explain to me, find indefinite integral xcosx DX I know that this topic needs to use the partial integration method, let u = x, DV = cosxdx, Du = DX, v = SiNx, the problem lies in Du = DX, here, why Du = DX, not equal to the square of 1 / 2 x, this place is a bit mixed, who can give me a detailed explanation,

It seems that you can master the method of partial integral

A cubic aluminum block with a volume of 0.027 cubic meters was cast into eight cubic aluminum blocks of the same size, and the surface area of each small cubic aluminum block was calculated

Each small volume is 0.027/8 = 0.003375
Each small side length is 0.003375 = 0.15 under the cube root
The surface area is 0.15 * 0.15 * 6 = 0.135

A cube aluminum block with a volume of 0.125 cubic meters was cast into eight small cube aluminum blocks of the same size, and the surface area of each small cube aluminum block was calculated

The volume of small cube aluminum block is 0.125 △ 8 = 1 / 64
Let the side length of small cube aluminum block be X
The small cube aluminum block has six faces, so the surface area of the small cube aluminum block is 6x & sup2; = 6 (1 / 4) & sup2; = 3 / 8 = 0.375

What's the difference between cuboid, cube, cylinder and cone?

1. The outer surface of cuboid and cube is composed of six rectangles, the six quadrangles of cube are square, and the circular cylinder and circular cone are composed of curved surface and circular shape
2. The upper and lower surfaces of cuboid and cube are rectangular (the cube is two squares), and the other four surfaces are rectangular after expansion; while the upper and lower bottom surfaces of circular column are circular, the curved surface part is rectangular, the circular cone has no upper bottom, the lower bottom is circular, and the curved surface is fan-shaped

Several and figure classification and explain the reason cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, cone

Cube, one kind of cuboid, the other is another

What are cuboid, cube, cylinder and sphere in three-dimensional graphics

What do you want to ask? It's not very clear, but my understanding is like this
A cuboid is like a brick,
A cube is a special case of a cuboid, just like the water cube in Beijing
The cylinder is like the can of soda. The can is just solid,
A ball is like a ping-pong ball, but it's also solid. Hope is the answer you want

The volume of cube, cuboid and cylinder can be calculated by V = sh______ (judge right or wrong)

Because the general formula of the volume of cube, cuboid and cylinder is: v = sh; so the volume of cube, cuboid and cylinder can be calculated with v = sh, which is correct; so the answer is: correct

The volume of cuboid, cube and cylinder can be calculated by "V = sh", right?

Right! V = sh, that is, the bottom area times the height

The volume of cuboid, cube and cylinder can be calculated by multiplying the bottom area by height

Only the formula of conic volume is: one third of the volume × bottom area × height
Cuboid, cube, cylinder volume formula is: bottom area × height

Cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder which is the most difficult to push? How to explain it to children?

When the cuboid is placed horizontally, the cuboid is the most difficult to push. When the cuboid is placed vertically, the cuboid is the most difficult to push. When teaching students, you can choose to place the cuboid horizontally, which can let children observe. At this time, it has the largest area of contact with the ground. To push it, you need to move such a large area, so