Application of inverse proportion function in mathematics of grade two The grain depot needs to store 600 tons of corn from the drying field 1. What is the functional relationship between the time t (unit: day) and the speed V (unit: ton / day)? 2. There are 40 employees in the grain depot, and the maximum daily storage capacity is 0.5 tons per person. It is expected that the corn storage can be completed in a few days at the earliest? 3. After 25 days of continuous work, the weather forecast says that it is likely to rain in the next few days. The grain depot decides to put all the remaining corn into the warehouse the next day. How many more people are needed to help complete the task?

Application of inverse proportion function in mathematics of grade two The grain depot needs to store 600 tons of corn from the drying field 1. What is the functional relationship between the time t (unit: day) and the speed V (unit: ton / day)? 2. There are 40 employees in the grain depot, and the maximum daily storage capacity is 0.5 tons per person. It is expected that the corn storage can be completed in a few days at the earliest? 3. After 25 days of continuous work, the weather forecast says that it is likely to rain in the next few days. The grain depot decides to put all the remaining corn into the warehouse the next day. How many more people are needed to help complete the task?

It takes 30 days at the fastest
Add 160 people to help complete the task

It is known that the abscissa of an intersection point of the image with the inverse scale function y = K / X (K ≠ 0) and the image with the positive scale function y = 2x is 2. Find the analytic expression of the inverse scale function and the coordinate of another intersection point

Taking x = 2 into the positive proportion function, we get y = 4, and then we get the inverse proportion function as y = 8 / X
Another intersection point is symmetrical with the shop about the origin
Then the coordinates of the other intersection point are (- 2, - 4)
I hope my answer will help you!

Image and properties of inverse scale function
It is known that the abscissa of an intersection point of the image with the inverse scale function y = K / X (K ≠ 0) and the image with the positive scale function y = 2x is 2. Find the analytic expression of the inverse scale function and the coordinate of another intersection point
Give the answer later

Because the analytic expression of the positive proportion function is known, y = 2x. Since the abscissa is 2, then y = 2 × 2 = 4 is obtained by substituting (2,4) into y = K / x, then k = 8 is obtained by substituting (2,4) into y = K / x, so y = 8 / X and the above analytic expression of the positive proportion function are: 2x = 8 / X multiplied by X2X & sup2; = 8x & sup2; = 4x = ±

It is known that the line y = x + 6 intersects the x-axis and y-axis at two points a and B, the line L intersects the line AB at point C through the origin, and the area of △ AOB is divided into two parts of 2:1
Find the analytic expression of the straight line L

If y = x + 6, y = 6, y = 0, x = - 6, then a (- 6,0), B (0,6) AB = √ (6 & # 178; + 6 & # 178;) = 6 √ 2, make e and F on AB such that AE = EF = FB = AB / 3, then the area of △ AOB is divided into 2:1 when l passes through e or F