For example, the number y = | x + 3 | - | X-1 |,

For example, the number y = | x + 3 | - | X-1 |,

five hundred and fifty-five
Why don't people who ask math questions like offering high marks?
There is no other way to solve such a problem
Only slowly remove the sign of absolute value
For those with two absolute values, we can discuss whether the algebraic expression in these two absolute values is positive or negative
For example, it is obvious that x + 3 is greater than X-1. If X-1 is greater than zero, x + 3 must be greater than 0
This can be divided into the following situations:
If x + 3 is greater than or equal to 0, X-1 is greater than or equal to 0, and X is greater than or equal to 1, then y = 4
When x + 3 is greater than or equal to 0, X-1 is less than or equal to 0, X is greater than 0, less than or equal to 1, then y = 2x + 2
If x + 3 is less than or equal to 0 and X-1 is less than or equal to 0, then x is less than or equal to - 3, then y = - 4
Now it's the problem of combining images
In the image where x is greater than or equal to 1, you draw the image with y = 4
When less than or equal to 1, draw y = 2x + 2
When x is less than or equal to - 3, draw an image with y = - 4
This combination is the image you want
Oh, poor five

Simplify the following example of the number symbol mathematics
+(-2)= -(+1/3)= -(-2.5)= +(+3.14)

-2, - 1 / 3,2.5,3.14. The law of negative being positive

What is the meaning of "the sign B [a, b] denotes the set of all bounded implication numbers on the closed interval [a, b]?
As the title!

It literally means ==
Let's not explain the closed interval [a, b]. For example, [0,1]
A bounded function on this interval is a function in which the specified semantic field is this interval and the value field is bounded, such as f (x) = x ^ 2, (0)

Choose a number or symbol from the mathematical world and write a poem

Add subtract multiply divide root power,
Slope derivative calculus
Vertically parallel, axisymmetric,
The circumference of point line surface
There's nothing to do. I'll make a fool of myself. (laughter)

Junior high school mathematics problems (about positive and negative numbers)
Simplify the following
Note that the comma separated formula is a formula. I will give points to the person who gives me the correct answer on the same day. I hope you can answer it enthusiastically,
If there are many people who answer correctly, I will take the one who answers correctly and fastest as the answer. I'm sorry to others

Knowledge point: negative get positive, positive get positive, negative get negative

Give a box of apples to several children. If each child is given 5 apples, there are 12 apples left. If each child is given 8 apples, the last child gets 8 apples, but there are less than 8 apples. Find the number of children and the number of apples in this box

If there are x children, the number of apples is (5x + 12). According to the meaning of the question, we can get: 0 < 8x - (5x + 12) < 8, which can be changed into: 3x − 12 > 03x − 12 < 8. The solution is: 4 < x < 203, ∵ x is a positive integer, ∵ x takes 5 or 6, when x = 5, 5x + 12 = 37; when x = 6, 5x + 12 = 42, ∵ there are two situations to satisfy the meaning of the question: 1

Who can help me a few junior high school mathematics!
How much is (minus 4 and 3 / 4) plus (1 and 2 / 3)?
Help me calculate the process. Thank you!

-4 3/4 + 1 2/3
Reduced fraction=
-19/4 + 5/3
General division=
-57/12 + 20/12

It is known that the equation (M + 1) with respect to x, the absolute value power of M + 2 of X + 3 = 0, is a linear equation of one variable. Find the value of 2m / 3; - M minus M / 2; - M minus M / 6; + 5m

The degree of X is 1
And X coefficient m + 1 ≠ 0
So m = - 3
So the original formula = 2m & # 178 / 3-m / 3-m & # 178 / 2 + m / 2-m & # 178 / 6-5m / 6

The next math problem in the second grade of junior high school
Have you ever seen Qigong master's "unique skill" on TV? The qigong master lies flat on the ground after he has made full use of Qigong. His assistant presses a large piece of thick cement board on his abdomen, then puts two steel rods on the cement board, and folds a large piece of cement board on the steel rod. Finally, an assistant raises a big hammer to hit the cement board on it. At this time, the cement board is broken into two sections, But the qigong master lying on the ground is safe. Do you know why?

Problems related to pressure
P = f / S (pressure = pressure △ stress area) when the same pressure acts on the surface of the support, if the stress area is different, the pressure produced is also different. When the stress area is small, the pressure is large; when the stress area is large, the pressure is small
The pressure is inversely proportional to the area under force. The larger the area of the cement plate is, the less pressure is transmitted to the qigong master, so the qigong master lying on the ground is safe

Solving similar mathematical problems in the second grade of junior high school
Recently in the mathematics newspaper saw 2 inverse proportion plus positive proportion mathematics problems, think this kind of problem is good, ask have similar, the following is the problem
The first question: given that y = Y1 + Y2, Y1 is in positive proportion to the quadratic power of X, Y2 is in inverse proportion to x, and when x = 1, y = 3; when x = - 1, y = 1. When x = - 0.5 (the original question is negative half, so the score can't be typed), find the value of Y
When x = 0, y = - 5; when x = 2, y = - 5,
(1) When x = - 2, find the value of Y
Who has something like that? Give it up,

(1) If y = Y1 + Y2, Y1 is positively proportional to x 2, Y2 is inversely proportional to x, and when x = 1, y = 3; when x = - 1, y = 1. Find the value of y when x = -? (2) if y = 1 / X and y = 2x-1 are known, point a (1,1) is in the first quadrant, and at the same time on the image of the above two functions, if OA = √ 2 (root 2), please ask: in