Accuracy calculation formula: accuracy = | measured value - real value | / is this correct?

Accuracy calculation formula: accuracy = | measured value - real value | / is this correct?

|Measured value - true value / true value is the concept of relative error (multiplied by 100%)
Accuracy refers to the consistency between the measured result and the measured true value. It is a qualitative concept without quantitative expression

What formula can be used to calculate the distance between two places with known longitude and latitude?

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It doesn't mean Baidu knows the views of intellectuals
Answer: fmy1891
At 17:02 on April 8, the distance between two points can be calculated according to the measurement of longitude and latitude. The interval length of latitude 1 ° is equal all over the world (because the length of all longitudes is equal), which is about 111km / 1 °. The arc length of longitude 1 ° on the equator corresponding to the ground is about 111km. Because the latitude decreases from the equator to the poles, the length of latitude 60 ° is half of that on the equator, Therefore, the arc length of longitude difference of 1 ° on each latitude line is not equal. On the same latitude line (assuming the latitude of this latitude line is α), the actual arc length corresponding to longitude difference of 1 ° is about 111cos α km, The judgment of the nearest distance between the two places: if the longitude difference between the two places is equal to 180o, then the great circle passing through the two places is the meridian coil, and the nearest distance between the two places is the inferior arc passing through the two poles in the great circle; if the longitude difference between the two places is not equal to 180o, then the great circle passing through the two places is not the meridian circle, but the skew intersection with the meridian circle, and the nearest distance between the two places is not the pole, but the bipolar region
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