How many milliliters is 100 grams? What is the unit of milliliter?

How many milliliters is 100 grams? What is the unit of milliliter?

These two cannot be converted. Milliliter itself is a unit. If it is water, about 100g can be equal to 100ml. However, due to different specific gravity of other media, it is not necessary

How many liters is three liters of 400 ml
Expressed by the simplest fraction
The simplest fractional representation

17 / 5L

How many milliliters is 25 grams, how many milliliters is 25 kilograms, and how many liters is 1 gram

Gram, kilogram is the unit of mass, milliliter is the unit of volume;
If the density of the substance is known, it can be converted;
Density = mass / volume;
For example, the density of water is 1 g / cm3;
1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter = 1 liter = 1000 ml, 1 cubic centimeter = 1 ml;
25 g water is 25 ml, 25 kg water is 25000 ml = 25 L