Let f (x) = 2asin (2x + θ) be a monotone decreasing function in the interval [(- 5 / 12) π, π / 12]. Then what are the values of constants A and θ?

Let f (x) = 2asin (2x + θ) be a monotone decreasing function in the interval [(- 5 / 12) π, π / 12]. Then what are the values of constants A and θ?

-5 rows / 6 + seta = row / 2
Row / 6 + seta = 3 rows / 2
Seta = 4 rows / 3

It is known that [x] represents the largest integer not exceeding the real number x, G (x) = [x] is a rounding function, and XO is the zero point of the function f (x) = INX - (2 / x), then G (XO) is equal to?
To solve the problem process, thank you!

XO is the zero point of the function f (x) = INX - (2 / x)
Then lnx0 = 2 / x0
Then x0 ^ x0 = e ^ 2
Then 2