Three digit, hundred digit is A-1, ten digit is A-B, one digit is a-b-c, three digit is 210, what's the ABC value Give reasons

Three digit, hundred digit is A-1, ten digit is A-B, one digit is a-b-c, three digit is 210, what's the ABC value Give reasons

Hundred digits: A-1 = 2, a = 3
Ten digits: A-B = 1, that is, 3-B = 1, B = 2
One digit number: a-b-c = 0, that is, 3-2-c = 0, C = 1
Therefore, ABC = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6

If a three digit ABC satisfies a > B, B > C, then the three digit ABC is called "concave number". Find the number of all "concave numbers"

Concavity: a > b, B

128 ^ 2 + 128 * 144 + 72 ^ 2 = = formula decomposition is required


What is the meaning of factorial?

Factorial is an operational symbol invented by Christian Kramp (1760 – 1826) in 1808. Factorial is also a term in mathematics

For a three digit number, the number on the one digit is C, the number on the ten digit is B, and the number on the hundred digit is a. what are these three digits?

A is a number in the hundreds, so it should be multiplied by 100, and so on. B should be multiplied by 10, so this number is 100A + 10B + C

If the hundred of a three digit number is (a-b + C), the ten digit number is (B-C + a), the single digit number is (B-C + a), and the single digit number is (B-C + a)
The above is just the title, and the following is the question:
(1) List the algebraic expression of this three digit number and simplify it
(2) When a = 2, B = 5C = 4, find the three digits

2. C = 5 / 4, so it's not an integer. Please make sure you copy it correctly

Let a three digit number be a, a ten digit number be B, and a hundred digit number be c. please write down the three digit number______ 8-23÷(-4)×(-7+5)______ .

The three digit number is: 100C + 10B + a.8-23 △ (- 4) × (- 7 + 5) = 8-8 △ (- 4) × (- 2) = 8-4 = 4. So the answer is 100C + 10B + A, 4

If a three digit hundred digit is (a-b + C), ten digit is (B-C + a), and one digit is (C-A + b)
(1) List the algebraic expressions of these three numbers and simplify them
(2) When a = 2, B = 5, C = 4, find the three digits

So the number is 137

Let a, B, C be a three digit number of hundreds, tens and ones, and a be less than or equal to B, B be less than or equal to C, then | A-B | + | B-C | + | C-A | is the maximum possible value

To make | A-B | + | B-C | + | C-A | possible maximum
Then the difference of a, B and C should be as large as possible
Because let a, B, C be a three digit hundred, ten and one digit number
So the values of a, B and C are between 1 and 9
Because the difference between a, B and C should be as large as possible
So a takes 1, C takes 9, and B takes any value in the middle
The maximum possible value is 16

What is the remainder of the order of 2013 divided by the order of 2013? What is the number of its digits?
Urgent for answers!

Factorial of 1 times 1 + factorial of 2 times 2. + factorial of 2013 times 2013 = factorial of 2014-1
The remainder of 2013 is - 1 or 2012