123456789 the sum of any two numbers is equal to 10, and the multiplication of two numbers is the maximum. What are these two numbers? What is the Enlightenment of this mathematical problem

123456789 the sum of any two numbers is equal to 10, and the multiplication of two numbers is the maximum. What are these two numbers? What is the Enlightenment of this mathematical problem

1. Two numbers and certain,
When the difference between two numbers is smaller, the product of two numbers is larger
2. If the perimeter is fixed, the area of a square is larger than that of a rectangle

There are four children. One of them is one year older than the other. The product of the four ages is 360. How old is the biggest one?

360 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 3 × 4 × 5 × 6; a: the oldest of them is 6 years old

There are four children. Their age is just one year older than each other. The product of their ages multiplied by each other is 360. How old is the oldest of them

Suppose the oldest x-year-old, then the ages of the four children are: x-3, X-2, X-1, x-year-old in turn. The product of known ages multiplied by 360 is: (x-3) * (X-2) * (x-1) * x = 360, solution x = 6) Expand, extract the common factor, get (X-6) * (x ^ 3 + 11x

3. There are four children. They are one year older than each other. The product of their ages is 360. The oldest one is () years old

According to the meaning of the title, the ages are 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively
So the oldest is 6 years old
I'm a teacher. Thank you

One of the four children is one year older than the other. The product of their ages is 360. How old are they?

It's decomposing the prime factor
So the age is 3, 4, 5, 6 years old

There are four children. One of them is one year older than the other. The product of the four ages is 360. How old is the biggest one?

360 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 = 3 × 4 × 5 × 6; a: the oldest of them is 6 years old

When a number is added, subtracted and divided by itself, the sum of its sum, difference and quotient is 20.5. What is the number?


When a number is added, subtracted, and divided by itself, the sum, difference, and quotient of the result is 5.8______ .

The sum of a number and itself is twice the number, the subtraction is 0, the division is 1, so the number is: (5.8-0-1) △ 2 = 4.8 △ 2 = 2.4

A number and its own addition, subtraction, division, its sum, difference and quotient add up to 13.8, what is this number

Let X be the number
The solution is x = 6.4

When a number is added, subtracted and divided by itself, the sum of its sum, difference and quotient is 11.66. What is the number?

(11.66-1) △ 2 = 10.66 △ 2 = 5.33. A: this number is 5.33