If the distance between the corresponding point of a number on the number axis and its opposite number on the number axis is 5 unit length, then the number is______ Or______ .

If the distance between the corresponding point of a number on the number axis and its opposite number on the number axis is 5 unit length, then the number is______ Or______ .

Let this number be a, then its opposite number is - A. according to the meaning of the question, we get | a - (- a) | = 5, so 2A = ± 5, and the solution is a = ± 52. So the answer is: 52, - 52

Starting from a point on the number axis, a point moves 4 units to the right and 2 units to the left. If the number represented by the end point is 0, what is the number represented by the start point
How to calculate

According to the rule of number axis, right is + left is - A + 4-2 = 0
So a = - 2, that is, the number represented by the starting point is - 2

On the number axis, 3 moves 12 unit lengths to the left and 8 unit lengths to the right. How many unit lengths does this number need to move to the right to return to the origin?
Is the origin here 3 or 0?

3-12 + 8 = - 1 answer: move one unit to the right

If the number corresponding to the point m on the number axis is negative 3, then move the point m to the right four unit lengths, and the number represented by the point m is negative 3
A. Negative 7 B.1
C. Negative 7 or 1 D. is not true
Please don't just say the answer, talk about how to do this problem, don't be too complicated, just be simple
Please answer quickly

Choose B, draw a number axis, - 3 move right 4 units, of course, is 1!

A point starts from the point representing - 2 on the number axis, moves 4 unit lengths to the right, and then moves 5 unit lengths to the left, indicating the number represented by this point

From the meaning of the title: moving 4 units to the right can be expressed as + 4, and then moving 5 units to the left can be expressed as - 5, so the point is: - 2 + 4-5 = - 3

On the number axis, move the point representing 3 5 units in the negative direction along the number axis, then the number corresponding to this position is______ .

According to the meaning of the question, make the number axis as shown in the figure: the number corresponding to this position is 3-5 = - 2, so the answer is - 2

On the number axis, a stands for 2. Starting from point a, move three unit lengths along the number axis to point B, then B stands for 5. Is that right?

It can also be - 1. If it is changed to "move three unit lengths along the number axis to point B", then B means 5

The corresponding point of a rational number on the number axis is a. move point a three unit length to the left and then two unit length to the left,
Get point B, the number corresponding to point B is equal to the absolute value of point a, find the number corresponding to point a to point B, the number corresponding to point B is equal to the absolute value of point a, find the number corresponding to point a, the number corresponding to point B is equal to the absolute value of point a, find the number corresponding to point a
Find the number corresponding to point a. the number corresponding to point B is equal to the absolute value of point a,

Negative 5 / 2

The corresponding point of a rational number on the number axis is a. move point a three unit lengths to the left, and then move two unit lengths to the left to get point B. the number corresponding to point B is equal to the absolute value of the number corresponding to point A. what is the corresponding number of point a? Please use the number axis to solve

The length of a and B is 2.5 units

The corresponding point of a rational number on the number axis is a. move point a three unit length to the left and then two unit length to the left to get point B. the absolute value of the number corresponding to point B is equal to that of point A. what is the corresponding number of point a?

Let the number corresponding to point a be x, then the number corresponding to point B x-3-2 = X-5, and the absolute value of the number corresponding to point B and the number corresponding to point a are equal, | x | = | X-5 |, the solution is: x = 2.5