The position of rational number ABC on the number axis is shown in the figure, then the size relationship of a, negative a, B, negative B, C, negative C, 0 is?

The position of rational number ABC on the number axis is shown in the figure, then the size relationship of a, negative a, B, negative B, C, negative C, 0 is?

What about the picture?
You can draw the position of their opposite numbers according to the position of a, B and C, and then you can compare the sizes. The one on the right is larger than the one on the left

The positions of a, B and C on the number axis are known as shown in the figure. Compare the sizes of a + B, B + C and C-B and connect them with ">"

∵ according to the position of B and C on the number axis, a < B < 0 < C, ∵ a + B < A, B < B + C < 0, C-B > 0, ∵ a + B < B + C < c-b

Use the number axis to find the distance between the points represented by each of the following logarithms on the number axis
(1) 3 and - 2.2 (2) 4 1 / 2 and 2 1 / 4 1 (3) - 4 and - 4.5 (4) - 3 1 / 2 and 2 1 / 3

(2) |4 1 / 2-2 1 / 4| = 9 / 4
(4) | - 3 1 / 2-2 1 / 3 | = 35 / 6
The distance between two points on the number axis is equal to the absolute value of the difference between the two points

Please observe the logarithm of - 0.5 and 0.5, - 3 and 3 on the number axis. Can you tell us some of their characteristics

-0.5 and 0.5 are opposite numbers - 3 and 3 are opposite numbers

Find out the distance between the corresponding points of the following logarithms on the number axis: (1) 3 and - 2 (2) 2 and 4.5 (3) - 4 and - 1.5 (4) - 31 / 3 and 22 / 3, where - 31 / 3 is negative three and one-third. Can you find out the relationship between the distance and the difference between the two numbers? If A.B points on the number axis indicate the rational number A.B, please use the formula containing A.B to express the distance d between the two points of A.B. please explain the reason

Distance = the absolute value of the difference between the two numbers

Find the distance between the corresponding points of the following logarithm on the number axis
-3.5 and 2 and 1 / 3
-3.5 → 2 and 1 / 3 distance

If the distance is the sum of absolute values, then the distance between - 3.5 and 2 / 3 is the absolute value of - 3.5 + 2 / 3, that is, 3 / 1 / 2 + 2 / 1 / 3, then 5 / 5 / 6

Is the sentence "all the points on the number axis represent real numbers"?

No, the definition of the number axis specifies the origin. The straight line in the positive direction and unit length is called the number axis. All real numbers can be represented by the points on the number axis. Imaginary numbers can be represented by the vertical axis on the number axis

How to represent real numbers on the number axis?
When I attended the lecture, I neglected I'm not serious
I checked on the Internet and found that the expressions of root 8 and root 5 are somewhat different. Why do some draw circles, squares and rectangles on the number axis?
Please answer for me, thank you. By the way, tell me how to express real number on the number axis
Thank you very much

To represent real numbers on the number axis is to use Pythagorean Theorem A ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = C ^ 2
Drawing circles, squares and rectangles is an auxiliary method. In fact, the core is Pythagorean theorem
For example, root 8 can be divided into root (2 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 2) to draw a square with side length of 2, and its diagonal is root 8. Similarly, root 5 can be divided into root (1's square + 2's Square), that is, to draw a rectangle with length of 2 and width of 1, and its diagonal is root 5

How to represent real numbers on the number axis?
For example:__
for instance
Root 3

For example, root 3
Well In the first quadrant, take two unit lengths as the bottom and one unit length as the height, and connect them into a right triangle ABC. At this time, the hypotenuse is root sign 3. Use a compass to measure the length. Take the origin 0 as the center of the circle, root sign 3 as the radius, draw an arc intersection, and the x-axis is point D. at this time, OD is root sign 3 (that's what I know...)

How to express real numbers on the number axis?

All the points on the number axis are real numbers, and each point on the number axis corresponds to a real number