Why use some in can I have sone water

Why use some in can I have sone water

Hope that the other side to make a positive answer, generally use some
For example: would you like some noises?
In this case, use some
Downstairs is another reason

Can I have some or much water?

All right

Can I have (some)_______ Water? Some or any?

Ask for opinions and hope to get a positive answer

Can I have some water
Can I have some water


could i _______ some juice,please?A.eat B.get C.want D.have

Answer: D
Have = drink

Can l have some justice

Tell you exactly:
I'd like to have some juice

There is some water in the

There is some water in the glass.
There is some water in the cup
There is some water in the glass
=There is(There's) some water in the glass.
There is some water in the glass

There is some water in the giass___ water in the glass.

isn't any

There is some water in the glass,

How much water is there in the glass?

There is some water in the glass

There is not any water in the glass