what size bowl of rice would you like some_____ (eat)? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of eat

what size bowl of rice would you like some_____ (eat)? Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of eat

Fill in to eat
Would you like something to do
What size bowl would you like to eat in?

Size, would, rice, what, you, like, of, bowl

What size bowl of rice would you like?

Would you like ___ potato chips?I have ____ here. A.sonic,some B.any ,any C.some,any D.any ,some
she usually has_____ egg and___ bottle of milk for breakfast. A. an, an B .all, a C.a ,an D.a,a
There are two questions!!!!!!! Also, I think these two questions are strange ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you like ___ potato chips?I have ____ here.A.sonic,some B.any ,any C.some,any D.any ,some
A's options should be some and some
If it's Sonic in the book, the answer is wrong
This is a fixed expression. For example, would you like some tea? Is the same. And some is used in affirmative sentences. Any is used in interrogative sentences and negative sentences
From this we can infer that both blanks are some
she usually has_____ egg and___ bottle of milk for breakfast.A.an,an B .all,a C.a ,an D.a,a
Here, the first empty is an and the second empty is a
The answers are all wrong
The singular noun at the beginning of the vowel is preceded by an and the consonant is a
A bottle of fixed expression
Hope to help you~

Would you like to have some orange juice
Can it be yes, I'd like some?

Would you like some orange juice?
I'd like to do sth to.to Do not translate, just as a structure of a word

Would you like to have_ Some rice and a glass of milk

Would you like some rice or a glass of milk?

I would like to have some mean and rice-------------------------

What would you like to have?
I wish you progress in your studies and make progress! (*^__ ^*)
If you don't, you can ask me again:)

Could you like any rice

Would you like some rice?

would you like…… Yes, I'd like. Or I'd love to?

Would you like sth?
Use yes, I'd like / love
Sorry, thanks
Would you like to do...
Use yes, I'd like to / love to
Sorry, thanks

-------______ ?------Yes,I like it very much A.Would you like some rice?B.How do you like the cake?
C.Do you like apples?
D.Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Which one,
Mr.Green saw _____ UFO moving towards him,and ___ UFO was very bright。 What to fill in

The answer is C
A and D belong to the same sentence pattern: would you like
Its answer should be: Yes, I'd like to
But B, special questions, don't answer with yes or no

1.__ You like some coffee? 2. Yes, piease. (do would will may) which is right?

Would you like some coffee?