How do you like eating hamburgers Is hamburger singular or plural

How do you like eating hamburgers Is hamburger singular or plural

It's all right with a single copy
It depends on the situation
There are different kinds of hamburger
If you eat in a shop, you may ask whether you want hamburger or bread, and then how... Hamburger?
If you like to eat all kinds of hamburgers in other places, how... Hamburgers?

Do she like cats? She do like cats. Like is followed by a noun in the plural or singular? If it's an uncountable noun?
Are there any special circumstances?

Like is a verb, followed by an object. The object is usually a noun, as long as it is a noun. As for the plural or singular, it mainly depends on how much the author wants to express. It has nothing to do with like

Do I like eating hamburger for breakfast with S
I think you are a good student

Hamburger, don't add s, because generally one hamburger is enough, no one will eat two
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