Why are food words plural in sentences? For example, "do you like hamburgers."

Why are food words plural in sentences? For example, "do you like hamburgers."

Because it's not just one hamburger, it means that you like all hamburgers. Countable nouns are followed by s or es

Do you like banana
Do you like banana or do you like banana? What's the meaning of "s"?

Do you like the banana
Do you like is usually followed by a plural of countable nouns
Do you like bananas?
You can understand the meaning of "like" in this way, like a thing, for example, like bananas, can't say that you will like it for a while and then don't like it

— Do you like bananas/ salad?
— Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Why do you use do instead of like?

In this section, we will discuss how to change a declarative sentence into a general question. Before entering the main topic, please recall what tenses we have learned