Put two gerunds together as subject predicate verb?

Put two gerunds together as subject predicate verb?

Use the normal form, but it depends on the two subjects to judge whether to use the third person singular
For example:
Eating and sleeping are both important.

Please help me to analyze this sentence, what is the subject predicate, and Gerund can not be used as predicate
Is there any mistake in the sentence "drinking water containing excessive effect of tea to come, little and to chip off, leaving a stable or movable effect"?

Upstairs, infinitive can be the subject, you said wrong! This sentence is wrong, the sentence is not copied completely, I mean, how can't understand (also don't know how to change the first floor)! This is a TOEFL question in August 2005

Media is the plural of media, so media is the subject predicate?

It mainly depends on whether we regard him as a media industry or media people. The former uses the singular and the latter uses the plural: eg: 1 help.It The American media are not here to help

Season, what, do, that, you, like, about

What do you like about that season?
What do you like about that season?

What do they like to that?
Well, I'm going to ask a question about they like Chinese food and Chinese music. I don't think it's right to use what do they like to do,
thank you!!

What do they like to do?
or Why do they like to do that?

Don't get nervous, help yourself to what you like

This sentence is actually a compound imperative sentence, which is a combination of two simple imperative sentences. It can't be said to be one of the five sentence patterns. Why do you say that?
First of all, let's look at the first half of the sentence. It's an imperative sentence. It's a copulatory verb with an adjective, so it's a structure of a system. For example, you add a subject
You don't get nervous, so there is subject + copula + adjective
The second half of the sentence is also an imperative sentence with the subject omitted, but I don't know if you have missed the words in this sentence
You help yourself to what you like
Because it is subject + Verb + indirect object + direct object
Personally, I think there is one word missing in this sentence. It must be the infinitive as the object complement. For example, I will give two examples
1)Don't get nervous,help yourself to be what you like
Don't get nervous, whatever you like
2) Don't get nervous,help yourself to do what you like
Don't get nervous and do whatever you like
Don't be nervous, whatever you like to do. I sincerely hope I can help you

At what age do you like yourself to get married?
At what age do you like yourself to get married?
Is this sentence right in English? What is it translated into Chinese

How old do you want to get married?
At what age do you intend to get married / to settle down

What can you do to help yourself?

What can you do to help yourself

like what you like,be yourself

Like what you like, be yourself

A. do you like to go fishing? B. help yourself to some fish

Please help yourself to some fish
Do you want to go fishing