The singular and plural predicate of a group of

The singular and plural predicate of a group of

A group of agents around them a group of computer scientists at Stanford University has started to address the problem in a noveloway

A pair of sunglasses, singular or plural?
This pair of sunglasses_____ On the desk, but where are they now

D. When the nouns usually appear in pairs, such as glasses, trousers pants, etc., as subjects, the predicate is plural, but if the unit noun appears in front of it, it should be judged according to the unit noun
One pair of scissors is not enough
Two pairs of scissors are enough.

Is pair singular or plural?

The following is a simple and plural explanation of "pair" from the dictionary of American tradition. As a noun, pair can be followed by a singular verb or a plural verb. When pair means to look at a set as a whole, it is usually in the singular form: this pair of shoes is on sale

What would you like to do

What would you like to do?

Can, do, I, for, what, you? 2. Drink, like, something, you, to, would?

what can i do for you
would you like something to drink

You, do, can, what, I, for

What can I do for you?

Can, what, can, do, you, do, I (?) how to join words into sentences

Can you do what I can do?
Can you do what I do?

Can what can do you I

What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
I'm very used to it
Well, I'm wrong if it's this sentence
I can do what you can do
Happy New Year
Pro (≥ ▽≤) / ~ Lala

Do, you, what, for, can, I

What can I do for you?

What's the name of these dishes in English,
1. Egg and leek box
2. Shrimp dumplings with crab meat
3. Crab dumplings in soup
4. Nanyang fragrant durian crisp

2. Crab meat shrimp stuffed dumpling 3. Steamed bread with crab meat and soup 4