1.What's this () English 2.Christmas is () the 25th of December.3.the man ()black is Su Hai's father . 4.they want to go ()a walk after supper. 5. Lily is talking () her free () their camping trip

1.What's this () English 2.Christmas is () the 25th of December.3.the man ()black is Su Hai's father . 4.they want to go ()a walk after supper. 5. Lily is talking () her free () their camping trip


Yang Ling jumps high.Su Hai jumps higher.Su Hai __ __ __ Yang Ling.
Ben doesn't swim as well as Jim.Jim __ __ __ Ben.
Helen goes home later than Rose.Rose __ __ __ __ Helen.
Nancy dances well.Su Yang dances better.Su Yang __ __ __ Nancy.
Su Yang sings carefully.Yang Ling sings carefully, too.Su Yang __ __ __ __ Yang Ling.
Mike is better at PE than Jim.Mike __ __ __ __ PE than Jim.

Su hai jumps higher than Yang Ling.Jim swims better than Ben.Rose goes home earlier than Helen.Su Yang dances bettern than Nancy.Su Yang sings as carefully as Yang Ling.Mike does better at PE than Jim...

this pair of trainers is made_ Leather (preposition)

What are they made of
Be made of is able to see the raw materials, for example: the sweater was made of woollen
The sweater is made of wool
The paper is made from wood
Paper is made of trees

When does the English word food use countable nouns? When does it use uncountable nouns?
We all like here food in this restaurant

Depending on the situation, if you want to express the meaning of "kinds of food", use the plural. If you only refer to food, use the singular

half a


Why do you add s instead of ES in the complex number of kilo

Many words ending with O add es to form plural, especially some common words such as: Heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, echoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, domino es, vetoes, mosquitoes, Negroes, mangoes, buffaloes, volcanoes
But the following words only add s: 1. Words ending with "vowel + O" or "OO", such as: videos, radios, studios, folios, oratorios, embryos, zoos, bamboos, kangaroos, taboos
2. Some loanwords, especially in music, such as piano, solos, concertos, tobaccos, mottos, cellos
3. Some abbreviations and proper nouns, such as: kilos, photos, memories, micros, Eskimos, filipnos
It's OK to add two suffixes to some words, such as Archipelago (E) s, halo (E) s, cars (English) and cars (American)
I hope you can remember the above_ O ha!
I wish you a happy study (⊙ o ⊙) Oh

Kilo complex


half a kilo of

Half of a kilogram of cheese. Half of a meter means half of a meter,

- ____________ .-Half a kilo,please.A.How many bananas do you want?B.How much are they?
C.Do you want some bananas?D.Hello,good morning.

Choose C____________ How many bananas do you want? B. how much are they? C. do you want some bananas

Fill in the blanks:____ cheese do you want?——Half a kilo

How much cheese do you want?——Half a kilo
How much cheese do you want? - half a kilo