A box of apples -- is or are

A box of apples -- is or are

Is, of course

There__ a box of apples here.
A.are B.is
To say why you chose which one,

The verb be is followed by a singular noun

There()a box of apples on the desk.
A box of apples
How many meters is a big tree?

Look at the quantifier, a box of

I'd like fuor _____ of apple juice.(box)

I'd like four (boxes) of apple juice
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Is some one singular or plural

Some one is singular
Some one: someone
Some one is looking for you,his name is Tom.
Someone is looking for you. His name is Tom

Can some be used as singular or plural?

When some is used as an adjective, it can modify the plural number of countable nouns or uncountable nouns,
For example, some books / some food
Some books / some food
When some is used as pronoun, it can refer to plural or uncountable objects

My favorite food is noodles.My Which sentence is right? Why?

My favorite food is nodles
It means a kind of food, not a singular or plural problem

Is it or are? Is it a countable noun or an uncountable noun?

Noodles is a countable noun
Noodles can be counted
So use are