Night after antonym I plural I objective see homonym like antonym family plural television abbreviation child plural carry single three person There is also a homonym of meet to homonym of right homonym of where homonym fly gerund American adjective Hill synonym Please hurry up

Night after antonym I plural I objective see homonym like antonym family plural television abbreviation child plural carry single three person There is also a homonym of meet to homonym of right homonym of where homonym fly gerund American adjective Hill synonym Please hurry up

Night is the opposite of dayafter, before I, plural I, objective ussee, homonym sealike, antonym unlike / dislikefamily, plural familiestelevision, abbreviated tvchild, plural childrencarry, single three person carriesmeet

Housewife plural there homonym tooth plural I've complete form Nancy possessive catch modern participle hot antonym go third person singular
I only choose the first one, but don't make soy sauce. I'm not afraid to post ghost stickers

I have

Third, put on, cloud, baby, pear, behind

put off

Here (homonym) mouse (plural) long (antonym) fat (comparative)

hear mice short fatter

Homonym of know, antonym of hard, plural of dress and synonym of beautiful


If the subject of the sentence is the third person singular, its predicate verb will be added - or - (pay attention to the rules of ending change)
)1. In general, add - 2 at the end of the word, add () at the end of "s" (), add () at the end of "Y" and ()
In general interrogative sentences, when the subject is the third person singular, add () at the beginning of the sentence, when the predicate verb uses () other person as the subject, add () at the beginning of the sentence, the predicate verb uses () the first person singular has () words (), the second person singular has () words (), and the third person singular has () words

1. In general, add - S-2 at the end of the word, add (ES) 3 at the end of "s" (SH) (CH) (x), and add y at the end of consonant letter (remove y, add ies)
In general interrogative sentences, when the subject is the third person singular, add (does) at the beginning of the sentence and (do) at the beginning of the sentence when the other person is the subject. The first person singular has (I), the second person singular has (you), and the third person singular has (3)
I hope my understanding is correct,

The subject is the third person singular, so the predicate verb should use the third person singular
If the front of the "feel" here is "they", do you use "feels"

He feels well.
They feel well.

Ten subjects are the third person singular simple present tense sentences
Write out the meaning of the sentence and find it quickly

She studies in the middle school
Her father works in a factory
Her mother works in a hospital
Her sister enjoys reading books
Her brother likes playing basketball
She has a dog as her pet
It likes eating meat
She usually does her homework at 8. P.m
She goes to bed at 10. P.m
She gets up early in the morning
[charity translation group] sincerely answer for you!

If the third person singular general present tense verbs end with s, do they all add es?

The rules are as follows: 1. In general, if you add "s" at the end of a word, if you end with a consonant letter and "Y", you should first change "Y" into "I", and then add "es" 3, if you end with "s, X, CH, SH", if you end with "Es4", if you end with "O", you should add "es" 3

The third person singular form of verbs: ask____ catch____ hurry____ write____ read____ read____ buy____ go____ wash____ clean____ come____ study____ put____
Write the present participle of the verb
swim____ fly____ watch____ see____ write____ sing____ say____ run____ come____ jump____
take____ talk____
Write the past tense of the verb
let____ walk____ do____ carry____ play____ wash____ make____ stop____ decide____ am____
go____ see____

Ask - ask catch - catches hurry - hurries write - writes read - reads buy - buy go goes goes wash - washes clean - comes come study - studies put - puts