English translation I'll be right back. I'm busy now, but I'll do it later. After a while, he'll be back. There are three sentences in all

English translation I'll be right back. I'm busy now, but I'll do it later. After a while, he'll be back. There are three sentences in all

I'll go back soon. I'm very busy now, but I'll work on it later. He will show up soon later

What is the English of playing erhu
Erhu or urheen,
Some people say that without the, what is it like
What is cold

It's erhu, or Chinese violin, but it's still erhu. It's the same as pinyin. I played erhu and talked about it with Americans. If you know this instrument, you say erhu will know immediately. If you don't know this instrument, you don't know what you say

English for playing erhu
Add the

Bringing Erhu

How do you express it in English?
Is there a distinction between national musical instruments and Western musical instruments?

Erhu: urheen, urhien, urhheen
Play the urheen / urhien / urhheen

Do you add the English for playing erhu
Play the erhu or piay erhu

The is not added before erhu, because it is a traditional Chinese musical instrument, but the is added before Western musical instruments, such as play the piano / violin
play erhu
Pipa is originally from Persia, not a traditional Chinese musical instrument

He likes playing erhu and flute

He likes to play Erhu and flute

English translation
Using technologies developed for the offshore oil and gas industry
What's more, the word order of such sentence translation has also changed. What's the rule of such sentence translation? I hope it can really help me solve this problem instead of just translating it

Hello, this should be using
When translating gerund, just translate it into verb phrase,
For example, developed technology is adopted in offshore oil and gas industry
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When you see a strange English word, how can you tell if it is a noun, an adjective, a verb or an adverb?

Look at prefixes and suffixes, usually when learning to look at the front suffix of the word learning, over time will find some rules
For example, some noun suffixes are - ment - tion
Some adjective suffixes are - ing
Some adverb suffixes are - ly
That's all

How to distinguish English words from adjectives, verbs, nouns and adverbs,

Most of the adjectives ending in "ful" are adjectives, such as "careful", "beautiful", "hopeful". Most of the adjectives ending in "ly" are adverbs, such as "carefuly", "happy", "beautiful", etc

Fill in the blanks with the three forms of be, am, is and are
1.You ________ a good boy. 2.Zhang Qing _______ seven.
3.His pen and my pen _____ black. 4.What color ______ your ruler?
5.Bob’s telephone number ________ 345-8886.

You are a good boy
Zhang Qing is seven; ("Zhang Qing" is the singular third person "is")
His pen and my pen are black
What color is your ruler
Bob's telephone mumber is 345-8886
Note: the three forms of the present tense am, is and are are are easy to separate. The most important thing is to find the subject and judge which form to use according to the subject
There is no doubt that the subject of AM is I;
The subject of are has two forms
First, the subject is you;
Second, the subject is plural;
The subject of is is the third person singular