Now the participle in a sentence is made up of the verb be 10

Now the participle in a sentence is made up of the verb be 10

1.I am writting.2.You are swimming.3.He is singing.4.My cat is sleeping.5.The bird is flying.6.Our fish is swimming.7.You is fighting.8.We are watching TV.9.I'm listening to music.10.You're eating lun...

A + Verb + adjective comparative + than + B and a + Verb + adverb comparative + than + B each make three sentences

He is taller than me.Today is colder than yesterday.This dress looks more beautiful than that one.He runs faster than I .I like apples better than bananas.He came to school later than Linda.

Is there a comparative degree of adjective when there is "than"?

Yes, half of them have to be compared

A + Verb + adjective comparative + than + B and a + Verb + adverb comparative + than + B

A + Verb + adjective comparative + than + B - the verb in this case is a copula
A + Verb + adverb comparative + than + B - the verb in this case is a notional verb

Antonym of left, antonym of different, plural of dictionary

On the right

Possessive case of he antonym of Henry plural of pony plural of policeman————

Possessive case of he his antonym of Henry full plural of pony ponies plural of policeman policemen——

Antonym asleep adjective hear homonym him possessive full antonym

Angry (angry) happy (happy) there is no such word as long. As LEEP is an adjective

The noun form of "exercise, argument" is "exercise argument"?

It has something to do with pronunciation
The vowel letter before "ment" and the vowel pronunciation should go to "e"
Pentavowel a e i o u

The highest pole of exercise

Only adjectives have comparative degree (superlative), and "excite" is a verb
There are two adjective forms of "exercise", namely "exercised" and "exercising". Their comparative degrees are "more exercised" and "more exercising", and their superlatives are "most exercised" and "most exercising"

How to change adjectives into nouns in German
I don't know what's going on-

1. Adjectives as nouns can be used to express people or concepts, the first letter must be capitalized (because it is a noun) when it means people, only masculine and feminine, when it means things, it is neutral. 2. When there are definite articles and indefinite articles in front of it, we can follow the change rules of the end of adjectives