In English sentence patterns, when do you use is are am and do does

In English sentence patterns, when do you use is are am and do does

Is he a student?
Am I beautiful?
Are they ten years old?
The be verb is needed in these sentences with main structure
Do they like playing basketball?
Does he look like his father?
These are followed by verbs, such as play and look. When they make general questions, they need to use the auxiliary verb do or does

What sentence patterns are does and is are am used to ask questions?

Does and is are used to ask third person singular questions, for example: does he / she. Is he/ For example: do you / they / we / for the first person singular question, for example: am i.are for the plural question and the second person singular question, for example: are you / they / we

What are auxiliary verbs, modal verbs, action verbs, notional verbs and copulars in English? What are negative words?
What words are used to ask questions about these words?

The proper forms of the auxiliary verbs do did doesbe, have, do, shall, will be
Modal verbs such as can may must need dare should would will, etc
Be come fall get go grow feel sound see turn appearance keep remain continue stay stay prove, etc
Auxiliary verbs and modal verbs themselves can be followed by not as negation, while action verbs have to change the form of negation according to the auxiliary verbs of sentences
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The antonym of "deep"


The antonym of fast

Slow or slowly

five_________ The antonym of ordinal difference___________ Too complex_________


Sell (antonym) bring (antonym) easy (antonym)


What is the antonym of easy? The adverb of sl0w!

difficult slowly
Your adoption will drive me forward,

What are the antonyms in English?

Common English Antonyms
After before
All all none
Answer ask
Answer question
Behind back front
Bad good
The best -- the worst
Better -- worse
Black white
Both -- neither
Busy -- free
Buy (in) - sell (out)
Cheap -- expensive, dear
Cold hot
Come and go
Thin fat
Thin thin
Town country
The whole part
Wide wide narrow
With -- without
Yes no
If you understand and solve your problem,

How to say antonym in English?

antonym ['æntəunim]
n. Antonyms (for example, sad is the antonym of happy, fast is the antonym of slow)
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