English translation English translation Nancy has difficulty in learning Chinese history I have some trouble remembering words I find it difficult to use commas

English translation English translation Nancy has difficulty in learning Chinese history I have some trouble remembering words I find it difficult to use commas

Nancy has some trouble in learning Chinese history.
I have some trouble in remembering the words.
I find it difficult to use commas.
I hope I can help you. I wish you a better future_ ∩)O
If you don't understand, please continue to ask (*^__ ^*)

I have --- to tell you why is it some good news instead of many good news
News is not countable? Some I know why it can be. Why not

News is countable. In this case, it should mean "news". News is a countable noun, such as one good news, two good news So you can't use "much good news" here. Because "much" is specially used for uncountable nouns. Do you understand now? If you don't understand, you can ask me

I have some advice to tell you

There is a small grammatical problem, here advice should be plural: advice
I have some advices to tell you
I want to give you some advice