What are the plural forms of horse and hippopotamus? How to pronounce them? Is fish homomorphic? What is it doing

What are the plural forms of horse and hippopotamus? How to pronounce them? Is fish homomorphic? What is it doing

Fish is an uncountable noun. Fish is a singular and plural noun
What is it doing

Plural of house


What is the plural of house


What are "singular possessive" and "plural possessive"?

What is the possessive case of singular nouns? What is the possessive case of plural nouns?

The possessive form is "... De"
The possessive case of a singular noun is to add "'s" after the noun, for example: Thatcher's mother's
The possessive case of a plural noun cannot be added with "'s", because the plural noun itself is followed by an s, for example: Teachers' mothers'
But "his", "her" and "its" are different

The plural of + s ending with / N /, should be read / S / or / Z /. For example, pains, gains, mountains

Read Z
When the plural at the end of the voiced consonant sign changes, read Z
Read s after consonant, such as books, etc

Is there any rule for the last s to read Z or plural s or Z or just memorize by rote

Hair Z
Clear consonant followed by S
Vowels and voiced consonants followed by Z
Sometimes you can pronounce "doctors" after "doctors" when others say a sentence. That's because the pronunciation of phonetic symbols in a sentence is affected by the words before and after it. But if you read "doctors" alone, you can pronounce "Z"

I'd like to ask you the detailed phonetics of some English words. Thank you (pineapple, lemon, kiwi fruit, cucumber, green pepper, rainy)
Need detailed phonetic symbols of words

[pain & aelig; pl]
Lemon [LEM & # 601; n]
Kiwi [ki: wi]
Cucumber[ kju:kmbə ;]
Green pepper
Rainy [reini]

How to spell the English words of pineapple?


Watermelon minus pineapple 6 watermelon plus pineapple 12 how many watermelons? How many pineapples?

Watermelon 9, pineapple 3