English plus s and ES In general, bananas, tomatoes, but sometimes photos, should add es or not, is there any rule?

English plus s and ES In general, bananas, tomatoes, but sometimes photos, should add es or not, is there any rule?

English words change regularly, but there are always exceptions
Many words ending with O add es to form plural, especially some common words such as: Heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, echoes, tornadoes, torpedoes, domino es, vetoes, mosquitoes, Negroes, mangoes, buffaloes, volcanoes
But the following words only add s: 1. Words ending with "vowel + O" or "OO", such as: videos, radios, studios, folios, oratorios, embryos, zoos, bamboos, kangaroos, taboos
2. Some loanwords, especially in music, such as piano, solos, concertos, tobaccos, mottos, cellos
3. Some abbreviations and proper nouns, such as: kilos, photos, memories, micros, Eskimos, filipnos
It's OK to add two suffixes to some words, such as Archipelago (E) s, halo (E) s, cars (English) and cars (American)
There is also a relatively simple resolution method
1. There is life plus es, in which there are special cases, such as hippos, bambos. Because hippopotamus is the prototype of hippopotamus, hippo is short for
2. Lifeless plus s, there is no special case

The English pronunciation of logo
How to read the word "logo"

Logo English: ['l &; G &; u] American: ['l or go]

Some words with similar pronunciation in English

East and year, ear and year, vest and West, horse and house

How to read some English words
The Tue part of state reads "chew"?
The Sule part of a capsule is sou?
NEVA ,ST Petersburg,czar,Nazi,period,chauvet caves,
How do you read these?
You can annotate Chinese characters

It's chew
It's sou
It's actually the difference between English and American

On the English pronunciation of "coyka"

It should be read as KO Yi Ka

Who can help me write the following English pronunciation in Chinese,
My name is XX.I am 25 years old and I came from Dacheng County,Langfang City.I graduated from Hebei Economy Trading University in 2005 and majored in Accounting Computerization.I had ever worked for 3 private companies and was responsible for support services.More specifically,I was incharge of front desk and general affairs, and provide fully support for all departments of the companies.

My name is XX. I am 25 years old. I come from Dacheng County, Langfang city. I graduated from Hebei University of economics and trade in 2005, majoring in accounting computerization. I have worked for three private companies, responsible for support services. More specifically, I am responsible for front desk work and general affairs, providing full support to all departments of the company

Help translate Chinese pronunciation into English
You see megast Wang Tuwa cm as Rimi
Ha ha, thank you. I can't help it. My English is not good!
Thank you. I found you can be just the one you wanna be
with me

You came to me just want to ...me..me.
I have tried my best=

English translation
Pu Yinzhen: homophonic!

Prue = attention
Yanni = God's gift
Zane = beloved
I suggest you use your own name, Zhen. Now many people use their own Chinese name, which is the most special one

Who can translate Chinese "pan" into English pronunciation? Pronunciation!

What do you mean by adding s, ES, ing, ed or other letters after an English word?
When should I add it? I can recite English words and sentences very well. But it's because I want to add s, ES, ing, ed after the words. My English score is so poor. Please tell me more details. If it's good, I'll get extra points

【1】 On S and ES 1) singular nouns with s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers 2) nouns ending with s, x, SH, ch with es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches 3) nouns ending with consonant letter with y, change y into I with es: cities, babie