For a three digit number, the number on the hundred is a composite number and an odd number, the number on the ten is a prime number and an even number, and the number on the one digit is neither a prime nor a composite number What are the three digits?

For a three digit number, the number on the hundred is a composite number and an odd number, the number on the ten is a prime number and an even number, and the number on the one digit is neither a prime nor a composite number What are the three digits?

For a three digit number, the number on the hundred is a composite number and an odd number, the number on the ten is a prime number and an even number, and the number on the individual is neither a prime number nor a composite number. The three digit number is 921!

For a three digit number, the number on the hundreds is a composite number and an odd number, the number on the tens is a prime number and an even number, and the number on the one digit is neither a prime nor a composite number. This three digit number is a number______ This three digit number should be added at least______ It's a multiple of five; at least get rid of it______ It's an even number

In 1-9, odd composite number is only 9, that is, the hundreds are 9; in nature, even prime number is only 2, that is, the tens are 2; in 0-9, that is, not prime number or composite number is 1. So this number is 921. According to the characteristics of multiple of 5, 5-1 = 4, according to the characteristics of even number, the end of this three digit number is 0, 1-0 = 1; so the answer is: 921, 4, 1

For a three digit number, the number on the one digit is even and prime, the number on the ten digit number is odd and composite, the hundred digit number is neither prime nor composite, and the three digit number is prime