The product of a prime number and a composite number is 48?

The product of a prime number and a composite number is 48?

Decompose 48. The prime factor is
The two numbers can be:
3 and 16
It can also be:
2 and 24
It can also be:
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What are the definitions of prime number and composite number?
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If a number has only 1 and its own two factors, such a number is called a prime number. For example, 2,3,5,7 (within 10) are prime numbers, while 4,6,8,9 are not. The latter is called a composite number. A composite number is a natural number that can be divided by other integers except 1 and itself

Does the product of two prime numbers have a composite number

The product of any two prime numbers is a composite number
For example, 15 is. 3 times 5