Natural numbers include () A. Prime, composite B. factors and multiples C. odd and even numbers

Natural numbers include () A. Prime, composite B. factors and multiples C. odd and even numbers

According to the analysis, natural number includes odd number and even number (0 is even number)

Within 20, the sum of not even numbers has______ Prime numbers that are not odd have______ .

According to the definitions of odd and even numbers, prime and composite numbers, within 20, the composite numbers that are not even numbers are 9 and 15, and the prime numbers that are not odd numbers are 2

What is polynomial, what is monomial, what is binomial set, what is trinomial set

The sum of several monomials is called a polynomial (in subtraction: subtracting a number is equal to adding its opposite number). Each monomial in a polynomial is called a polynomial term, and the highest degree in these monomials is the degree of the polynomial
The product of numbers or letters is called a monomial (a single number or letter is also a monomial). The number factor in a monomial is called the coefficient of the monomial. The sum of the exponents of all letters is called the number of times of the monomial. The zeroth power of any non-zero number is equal to 1. Note: 1. The formula with unknown denominator does not belong to a monomial, because the monomial belongs to an integral, For example, 1 / X is not a binomial. 2, a single number or letter is also a binomial. For example, 1 and x ^ 2Y are also binomial. If a binomial contains only numerical factors, the coefficient of a positive number is 1, and the coefficient of a negative number is - 1
In elementary algebra, a binomial is a polynomial with only two terms, that is, the sum of two monomials. A binomial is the simplest polynomial next only to a monomial

What do you mean by the same category?

Items with the same letters and the same number of times of the same letters are called similar items
Items like 4Y and 5Y, 100ab and 14ab, which contain the same letter and have the same index of the secondary term of the same letter, are called congeneric items. All constant items are congeneric items