Your this for mother is raincoat

Your this for mother is raincoat

this raincoat is for your mother

is this your mother
Yes, it is or yes, she is
Explain why
If it's a picture (or the person in the picture)?
If it's a real person?
To be accurate, OK?

Yes, it is this is that. If it is she, she is that. It depends on the first two words. It's the same in the photo. The name of a person depends on the name of a man or a woman. Just remember that it is this is that. The answer is yes, It is

Use is, more, this, you, to, what, going, weekend, do to join words into sentences

What is your mother going to do this weekend?

The language of the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Russia, Thailand, what do people say in English
Be right

According to the order of your questions, the English expressions of different languages and nationalities are as follows:

English plural of Finland, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Denmark, Brazil, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Austria
Sorry, it's Finns, Greeks, Turks, poles, Danes, Brazilians, Dutch, Norwegians, Russians, Spaniards, Swedes, Austrians

Finns from Finland
Brazilian Brazilians
Dutch Dutch
Swedes, Sweden

Translate the sentence "noun becomes plural" in the most concise English

The noun changes a plural number

Can the definite article the be followed by a plural noun in English?

Of course, for example, if you don't know the books well, you can read the books about the basic knowledge of English,,!

Is the noun singular or plural when it refers to a group of people?
I remember it was singular
They don`t like policemen.
Police men
Why use the plural?

Different from policeman, it is a word formed by word formation and belongs to a very special usage. Except for policeman and policewoman, all other words are singular

The + singular noun or plural noun means a kind of thing
The + singular noun or plural noun, indicating a kind of thing?
Or both?
For example, the dog / the dogs
Dog, this kind of animal
2 the + singular noun
The + plural noun, predicate verb, is it, the singular noun is, the predicate verb is singular, the plural noun, then the predicate verb is plural?

The dog and the dogs do not mean the same kind, but mean this / that dog and these / those dogs respectively
Dogs are our best friend
Yes. Singular noun verbs use the singular form, that is, plus s or es; plural noun verbs use the plural form, that is, the original form of the verb
The dog comes out for a walk with his master every evening around 6 o'clock.
The dogs are playing happily in the park.

The average life span of a mouse is three years

Mouse's life expectancy is 3 years.