The plural form of it's a tomato

The plural form of it's a tomato

They are tomatoes

Tomato (plural)


Is there a plural number for Tom to and Tom to? How to add it?
Such as the title

The ending is the singular word of O, some of which only add s to become plural words, but some of them need to add espiano pianosphoto photosbamboo bamboo bamboo zooskangaroo mulatto mulatto Mulatos white and black hybrid hero heroesmango mangoespotato voltacano volca

Is there any school forms or school uniform? If so, is it transformed according to the singular and plural
Are in the mountains and in the mountain the right syntax

School uniform or school uniformes are correct noun phrases. School uniformes is the plural form of school uniformes. In addition, in the mountains and in the mountain itself are no problem

How to determine the singular and plural forms of like in unit 6 of junior high school English?

The word like can be used as noun, verb, adjective, preposition, etc

Junior English, plural
-What can I do for you,sir?
-I'd like two_.
A.bottle of oranges
B.bottles of orange
C.bottles of oranges

B.bottles of orange

A singular and plural problem in English sentences
We should also not forget that in many countries,drought and chronic water shortages,are a fact of life.
You can understand it with are, but you can't understand it. Why is it a fact? Why don't you use facts? Or is it a wrong sentence?

All the preceding things add up to a fact

English plural sentences
Is that a nose
Is this an English computer_____ anEnglish computer
3. These are my maps

Are those noses?
This is an English computer.
These are not my maps.

A question about an English sentence
Joey:Yeah.And speaking of volcanoes,man are they a violent igneous rock formation.
Why is a after them? Aren't they plural
And according to the later understanding, volcanoes should be composed of many igneous rocks, so why not igneous rocks

Rock, stone is an uncountable noun, usually preceded by an indefinite article a
Igneous rock is also an uncountable noun phrase, so rock can't add s
I hope I can help you

Plural form of man doctor
