He is a new teacher

He is a new teacher

They are new teachers.

He is my teacher

They are my teachers.
They are my teachers
~I wish you progress in your study~~~
~If you agree with my answer, please click the "adopt as satisfactory answer" button in the lower right corner~
~Your adoption is my driving force~~
~If you have any new questions, please ask me for help. The answer is not easy. Please understand~~

He is an English teacher

He isn't an English teacher

I'm an English teacher

Are you an English teacher?
No,I'm not.

1. Miss Yang is an English teacher
2. Kitty and Daniel are good friends
3. His naem is (Li Xiaonan)
4. Their school is very beautiful

1、Is Miss yang an English teacher?Yes,she is.
2、Kitty and Daniel are not good friends.
3、Is his name Li xiaonan?
4、Are their school very beautiful

How does l am a teacher become plural

We are teams

That is my new tie

Those are our new ties.
what are you ?

That is a cup I am a teacher she is my friend

  Those are cups.
  We are teachers.
  They are our teachers.

I am a Chinese
There are only two empty ones

Our chinese.

Many a man and many a woman is singular in predicate. Is the predicate after many a man and many a woman singular or plural? Please give more examples

Many a man and woman are singular
Many a man and many a woman, followed by a complex number, similar to coffee and milk are my favorite drinks