Among all the fruits, I like grapes best

Among all the fruits, I like grapes best

Among all the fruits ,I like grapes best.

I like fruits, but I don't like grapes
There are several words in the sentence: fruit I like not grapes but do like I

I like fruit but do not like grapes.

My favorite fruit is grape

My favorite fruit is grapes

Ask for all the texts and words in the first volume of Guangzhou junior high school English book!

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The plural form of an English stock there

Some Englishmen stood there.
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English pronunciation rules what book is better, I hope you recommend one to me
The more detailed the better. The more books the better. If I buy what you recommend, I'll give you extra points. The best price is moderate. It's very detailed and easy to understand and remember
I would like to learn this easy to remember word ha ha

Our English major uses phonetics as a book, which may be useful to you

American English pronunciation
Ve in we've been talking about
What we can learn from it?

Ve pronunciation, but because the continuous pronunciation is faster and lighter, it sounds like a little pause and no sound
T in the second sentence is the same. In fact, it is pronounced, mainly the sound of air flow

Pinyin: how to distinguish the pronunciation of H and f?

H: The tongue moves in the mouth, not the lips
F: The upper teeth nibble at the lower lip

The correct pronunciation rules of vowels in spelling Pinyin
For example, "m à scold" is the fourth tone. Should Ma utter the fourth tone after reading "scold", or should it utter the fourth tone after reading "a"? Guizhou pronounces Ma according to its regular pronunciation, Note the tone when you read the word "scold"; in Guangxi, when you pronounce a, pronounce it according to the fourth tone (that is, pronounce the vowel directly when the marked tone is the first vowel). To put it simply, Guizhou people pronounce the vowel of the whole syllable according to the initial tone, and pronounce the marked tone when they read the spelled word, Guangxi people pronounce the finals according to their marked tones before they pronounce their spelled words

I think both of them are right. When we teach, we usually have finals with tones, just like Guangxi people. Why do we raise the finals in textbooks? Maybe it's to read them directly. It's OK to read the syllables completely and then bring the tones. The so-called teaching has no definite method, and it can't be regulated uniformly

J. What kinds of Chinese Pinyin combinations do K.L. have?
It's not a combination of these three letters. It's a combination of these three letters and the other 23 letters. What's the pronunciation?

ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jing
ka ke kai kao kou kan ken kang keng
li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang ling