English names at the back of the word list of unit 1 in Volume 1 of Grade 7

English names at the back of the word list of unit 1 in Volume 1 of Grade 7

Alice Alice Bob Cindy Cindy Dale Eric Eric Frank grace grace Helen Helen

Yes, my favorite fruit is apple?

IS your favourite fruit apple

This is____ apple.It 's my favorite fruit

The or a (an) must be filled in before the singular
Fill in an here

My favorite fruit is/are apples and bananas My favorite fruit is apples/apple

According to the principle of proximity

My favorite fruit is banana, right

No, banana uses the singular number to represent a kind of things, so that's what we say upstairs

lMy favorite fruit are apples and stawberries . My favorite fruit is bananas.
Are the above two sentences correct?

Add s to the first fruit

My favirote fruit is apple.My favorite fruit is apples
Which of these two sentences is right?
I like rabbit. Or I like rabbits

If you use apples, you should use are instead of is,
It's grammatically like this,
I like rabbit and I like rabbits

My favorite fruit is kiwi fruits. Is that right? Or my favorite fruit are kiwi fruits? I want to write an English composition; my favorite fruit. Also, it's Brown inside and green outside?

My favorite fruit is kiwifruit. Here is a kind of fruit, not a singular or plural problem. It's Brown inside and green outside

Conjunctions form sentences Bananas.are.my .favourite \
Conjunctions form sentences
Bananas.are.my .favourite
\^o^/ *^o^*

Bananas are my favorite
Banana is my favorite

favourite.my.clothes . shorts.are How to combine words into sentences

My favorite clothes are short. Or short are my favorite clothes!