He has a strawberry

He has a strawberry

Don't worry when singular sentences become plural. Change them one by one
They have strawberries.
He becomes them, theyhas changes from the singular to the plural, have, strawberry ends with a consonant and y, so we need to change y into I and es

Change the following nouns into plural ruler play
I'm in a hurry


The plural form of snowman

It's snowmen
Because words in this combination form are changed according to certain rules
Such words can be changed according to the change form of the following words!

Plural of man
Men or men?


What is the plural of man

The plural of man is men
I wish you progress in your studies and make progress! (*^__ ^*)
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

He is an English teacher

Is he an English teacher?
Yes,he is.
Put the be verb in advance to form a general question

He is my English teacher

Is he your English teacher
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

He is my English teacher

Is he your English teacher?Yes,he is .

He is my English teacher?
Quick! Hope to know can quickly solve this problem! Thank you

Is he your English teacher?
Yes,he is .

He is a teacher

is he a teacher?