Is, a, this, pen, red

Is, a, this, pen, red

This is a red pen
It means it's a red pen

This, is, bike, your

Is this your bike?
Is this your bike?
This is your bike.
This is your bike
I hope I can help you~

Eric, this, is, in, what, Hello, English

hello,Eric,what is this in English?

To you I come want my party to

i want you to come to my party

The first sentence of the climax is because I don't want to () I don't want you ()
Then there is the hash. Brackets indicate that you don't know what word it is. It's a hippop song

Is it the Pussycat Dolls - hush hush

She wants to be a policewoman

In the general present tense, the verb has the change of singular and plural according to the different subjects. The plural of the first, second and third person of the subject, the notional verb uses the original form, and the be verb changes according to the different subjects. The subject is the third person singular, the notional verb changes to the singular, followed by s or es, and the be verb uses is

I don't know when she wants to come?

Of course, she is the third person singular. If the tense of the predicate is general, it must be + s

Is want a verb? She want or she wants

Want is the verb she wants

I want __ a thriller,but my friend likes__ To see, comedy or to see, comedies

to see; comedies
I want to see a thriller, but my friends like comedies. The former has a specific object, while the latter does not. It refers to the whole of a comedy
My analysis may not be very good, and I don't know if you can understand me

I want to go to a comedy
I want to ______ a ________ .

I want to see a comedy