What is the derivative of e ^ 2 / x Such as the title

What is the derivative of e ^ 2 / x Such as the title

Pay attention to the minus sign. The minus sign is not long enough=

E ^ (- x ^ 2 / 2) inverse derivative
I don't understand. I mean, the derivative of what formula is e ^ (- x ^ 2 / 2)

y=e^(-x^2/2) >0
lny=ln e^(-x^2/2)
My derivative? I think it's an inverse function
Sorry, I don't seem to know its integral function~

What is the derivative of e ^ (- x)?
Why not e ^ (- x)
Because the derivative of e ^ x is e ^ x, is it OK to replace x with - x? Why?

Because the function is a composite function, which is composed of y = e ^ u, u = - x, it must be calculated by using the derivation rule of composite function. That is to say, it must be multiplied by the derivative of intermediate variable to independent variable
The correct answer is: - e ^ (- x)

Make a complex sentence out of the following three short sentences with proper connectives
1. We should believe that through the experience of suffering, we will show clear wisdom and sudden tolerance. 2. In life, we encounter setbacks and suffering again and again. 3. We should learn to thank suffering

Although in life, we encounter setbacks and suffering again and again, but we should also learn to thank suffering. Because we should believe that through the experience of suffering, we will show calm wisdom and sudden tolerance

Use appropriate connectives to make the following three short sentences into a complex sentence
① A mature choice can only be made after careful consideration
② If you don't choose to do something, you may do something wrong because of rashness and rashness
③ Choose, but not careful, because of the same choice of mistakes and do wrong

If you don't choose to do something, you may do something wrong because of rashness and rashness; however, if you choose, you will do something wrong because of mistakes. Therefore, a mature choice can only be made after careful consideration

Make up a compound sentence with the following three phrases and use the appropriate connectives?
1. What is understood is easy to remember
2. It is necessary to recite some poems and articles at least, and then gradually deepen the understanding
3. Unfortunately, the physiological law of the human brain is just the opposite. When young, it is better at remembering, and when a little longer, it is better at understanding

Although the understanding of things is easy to remember
Unfortunately, the physiological law of the human brain is just the opposite. When young, it is better at remembering, and when a little longer, it is better at understanding
Therefore, it is necessary to recite some poems at least, and then gradually deepen the understanding

Analyze the following sentences. Single sentences are divided into sentence elements by symbol method. Complex sentences are divided into the levels and relations between clauses
1. No matter what we know, we must look at it comprehensively, not only the positive side, but also the negative side. Otherwise, we can't have a more complete and correct understanding
2. Banking law is of great significance to the development of China's financial industry
3. Only the suntanned face showed that he was a long-term rural worker
4. Xishuangbanna, with beautiful scenery, attracts thousands of aspiring young intellectuals to enter the rubber garden
5. From the lattice of a Beijing style lattice, there is a bright light and a figure

1. (1) no matter what we know, we must look at it in an all-round way, (2) we should not only see its positive side, (3) we should also see its negative side, (4) otherwise, we cannot have a more complete and correct understanding
(1) ︱︱(2)︱︱︱(3)︱ (4)
The explanation is progressive and parallel
2. Banking law is of great significance to the development of China's financial industry
Subject predicate
3. Only the suntanned face shows that (this is a long-term rural worker)
4. Xishuangbanna has attracted thousands of young intellectuals into the rubber garden
5. From the lattice of a Beijing style lattice

Is the following sentence a single sentence or a complex sentence? It is the division of a single sentence, the composition of a complex sentence and the type of a complex sentence
The boat was silent, but it was moving fast
Because of him, the enemy's wish has not come true
She finally stood up and left the dead man
I confirm that there was a theft and there were two thieves

The boat went on silently, but fast
Because of him, the enemy's wish was not achieved
She finally stood up and left the dead man
I confirm that there was a theft and there were two thieves

How to analyze the sentence elements of English compound sentences

The so-called compound sentence is a combination of a subject sentence and one or more clauses. To analyze such a sentence, we should first distinguish the basic structure of the subject sentence and the clause. That is, which is the subject sentence and which is the clause. What kind of clause is it? Is it an adverbial clause, an object clause or an attributive clause
Generally, clauses have clear connectives, which is the sign of judging clauses. For example, that leads to an object clause. When you see a transitive verb followed by a clause caused by that, this clause is an object clause. Where leads to an adverbial clause of place, while when leads to an adverbial clause of time, This clause must be after the noun (head word)
Mr. Stern said (that)he believes (that)the Chinese see climate change as an issue of significant importance, not only "as a substantive matter, but also of real importance in the U.S.-China bilateral relationship, and increasingly something that's going to be important for the way they are perceived by the rest of the world."
This paragraph is a sentence, the basic structure has four levels, the main sentence below the two levels are omitted that the object clause (conjunction that can be omitted in the clause as an object), the third level of the object clause contains two attributive clauses
Mr Stern said (first level)
(that) he believes
(that) the Chinese see
That's going to be important for the way they are performed by the rest of the world, "They are performed by the rest of the world," Mr. Stern said, He believes that China will regard climate change as a very important thing. It is not only a matter of substance, but also plays an important role in the bilateral relations between China and the United States
I hope you can understand this explanation. Professor Ding Hengqi's English learning guide published by the University of international business and economics press has a detailed explanation of long sentence analysis

Is the following sentence a single sentence or a complex sentence? If it's a single sentence, please analyze the composition, divide the complex sentence into different levels and explain the relationship
Xiao Wang is sixteen years old
2. During the Warring States period, Shang Yang realized Qin's ambition of continuous development and strength through political reform

Xiao Wang is sixteen years old
Single sentence
Subject: Xiao Wang
16 years old
2. During the Warring States period, Shang Yang realized Qin's ambition of continuous development and strength through political reform
Single sentence
Subject: Shang Yang
Great wish