Finding monotone interval and extremum of y = x-6x + 9x-5

Finding monotone interval and extremum of y = x-6x + 9x-5

Y = x & # 179; - 6x & # 178; + 9x-5y '= 3x & # 178; - 12x + 9 = 3 (X & # 178; - 4x + 3) = 3 (x-1) (x-3) list: X (- ∞, 1) 1 (1,3) 3 (3, + ∞) f' (x) + 0 - 0 + F (x) increase maximum minus minimum increase f (x) increase interval (- ∞, 1), (3, + ∞) decrease interval (1,3) f (x) maximum